Thursday, October 31, 2019
Definition and Explanation of Closed and Open Economic Systems Essay
Definition and Explanation of Closed and Open Economic Systems - Essay Example ic system are trading of goods and services at international levels and engaging in import and export of goods and services between various countries. Therefore there is no doubt that this leads to inner and outer flows. It may be goods and services in the form of import and export or the flow of resources, such as labor, capital and currency. The flow of labor is in two ways: emigration and immigration. Emigration means the outer flow of people to different countries, whereas immigration is the inner flow of laborers into the country. Capital flow refers to foreign trade investment. Defines and explains leakages in an open system. In the open system, a there is financial model that computes the goods and services exchanged nationally. The leaks in the open system include all transactions of foreign countries. â€Å"In an open system, taxes are included in the model to show government purchases and inject money back in to the economy†(The Mechanics of Open and Closed Syste m, 2012, para. 4).  Funds being lost due to purchases of foreign facilities can also be seen in the open system. Another structure of leakage that can happen is when US industries outsource their capital OR labor to foreign countries. Even though the industry is saving and can currently make extra profits, the cash that is leaked may not be regained later. Define and explain injections in an open system. An injection happens when a foreign or individual company purchases American commodities or facilities. If a foreign industry hires workers belonging to the US, the wages deserved by the employees are measured and injected back into the financial system. Similarly, when the local government produces purchases in America or provides facilities like welfare, the cash is injected back into the... This essay discusses the closed economy, that is the opposite of an open economy. In a closed economic country, that were analyzed in this essay all economic activities are conducted within the boundary of the country. Such an economy is an independent economy, which means the country does not accept imports from other countries and also does not export to foreign countries. The main objective of this type of economy is to make everything available for people within the confines of the economy. Thus, it can be stated that such a country will not engage in any type of trade or have even the slightest of interactions with other countries. However, it can be seen that in the modern times closed economic countries are very rare. For example, China was a closed economy earlier and then transformed into an open economy, when the China Government understood the benefits that come along with being an open economy. Hovewer, the researcher also mentions that Brazil remains one of the most clos ed economies in the world today. Today, an industry aims to give more US jobs in addition to create earnings from selling to foreign countries is the important example of injection. The company â€Å"green†was identified Wind Sail Reception, Inc. is situated in Nevada and has been creating turbines to change wind to power since the year 2002. The industry sells to American energy services and European services. The income created from the European market is measured a cash injection to the economy of the United States.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Ethnicity and Health Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ethnicity and Health Assignment - Essay Example Regarding this issue it is stated by Julian that â€Å"the low mortality and morbidity among migrants despite the low socioeconomic location of many is explained by the fact that migrant selection includes a medical examination leading to the exclusion of those with medical problems†(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 1996, p. 35; National Health Strategy 1993, pp. 37, 40-43, in Julian, 106). In other words, the preventive medical tests provided to migrants (mostly as a precaution against a possible ‘contamination’ of the population of the greater area) in fact has been proved to be valuable as it leads to the identification of diseases that could be diagnosed only when developed at a high level. From a different point of view, the study of Julian showed that â€Å"the health of migrant women is influenced by ethnicity, class and gender†(108). It is also noticed that there are certain health problems that are not appropriately addressed, like ‘pregnancy/child birth and domestic violence’ (Julian, 108). In accordance with the above the higher injury rates and the depression in migrant women could be explained by the problems that face with their health on a permanent basis due to events that are mainly connected with their gender and social characteristics. The conditions of life of migrants could justify the health problems (particularly the injuries and the depression) that this part of the population faces continuously. However, generally the health problems appeared in migrants could be characterized as less ‘fatal’ than the relevant problems appeared in the native born Australians. For this reason, a relevant research showed that â€Å"overseas-born persons experience all-cause death rates 10% to 15% lower than for Australian-born persons. Asian-born immigrants have especially low death rates for
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Child Abuse Prevention Social Work Essay
The Child Abuse Prevention Social Work Essay Abuse is a word that has several connotations associated with it. There is a multitude of ways abuse can be carried out, and its consequences or effects can range in an unlimited number of possibilities. Abusive cases regarding anybody should be taken very seriously and with compassion (when it comes to the victim). However, the abuse of a child, especially in a sexual way, is the most dangerous and horrendous form of abuse and can lead to a cycle of abuse later on. Children are typically defenseless and because they are so young and still developing, it is harder for them to understand what is going on and how to deal with it. In some cases, a child who has been sexually abused will absorb some of these characteristics and even abuse others as they get older because it is how they grew up and all they know. Child sexual abuse is extremely detrimental as it can cause long-term issues for life. For this reason, the group decided to cover the topic of preventing child abuse because prevention is the best cure. Prevention of child abuse has to be the number one step that society takes, so that an innocent life will not be unnecessarily disturbed or in the worst cases, ruined. In my section of child sexual abuse, I define prevention in more than a sentence because there are many techniques for preventing child abuse and there are a number of circumstances where prevention can be applied. Our presentation by topic follows in this order: Types of Abuse, Preconditions for Child Sexual Abuse, Children at Risk, Effects of Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse Trauma, Treatment Programs, and lastly Preventing Sexual Abuse. The first point of my presentation includes defining what prevention is and means in the context of child sexual abuse. When we think about the word prevent, it seems pretty simple: stop something from happening. Preventing child sexual abuse is not always this simple though. Those that abuse children sexually have a disorder and have something seriously wrong with their mental processes. Even if a person has been treated for abusive behavior and appear to be normal, there is always a chance of relapse just like with former drug users. That desire to do what they like to do never fully disappears, no matter how well they have rehabilitated, and this is an unavoidable obstacle for recovery even after prevention. The very best way for preventing child sexual abuse and a future child sexual abuser is by the practice of good parenting or guardianship. Children with responsible and loving guardians are less likely to be abused because their guardians are cautious and protective of them. A child with these circumstances are also vastly less likely to abuse as they get older because they are brought up in a proper environment with good role models to follow. It is a common misconception a child is more likely to be sexually abused by a stranger rather than by a family member or someone trusted by the family. In reality, 30-40% of reported child sexual abuse concerns a family member, and about 50% of sexually abused children are molested by a person the family knows ( This means that only 10% of children who have been sexually abused are abused by strangers, so it is critical that prevention starts in the home. Another thing to think about is that these statistics only involve reported cases. A child is more likely to reveal information about abuse committed by a stranger than by a parent, relative, or family friend. With that said, the likelihood is probably even higher that a child will be sexually abused by someone they know rather than by a complete stranger. Another reason why it is so important that prevention of child abuse starts in the home by the guardians is because 70% of reported sexual assaults are carried out on individuals seventeen and younger ( The reason for this of course is that kids under this age are vulnerable and less aware of the dangers people may pose. They also have a harder time understanding why something like this could be happening to them. For all children to have responsible and protective guardians would be to live in a perfect world and this is unfortunately impossible. Sometimes a good environment at home is unrealistic, and extra preventative measures must be taken to stop or at least correct a sexually abusive situation. Society as a whole must come together to create an environment outside of the childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s nuclear home. If a child is being sexually abused in their home and then come out to an environment with no helpful recourses or information available to them, they stand no chance. That is why it is crucial for places such as schools, hospitals, religious places, or wherever else it may be, to educate children on what is right and wrong as far as how they should be treated. As hard as it may be to understand, children who are abused by their parents or close ones will usually still love them and feel deeply attached, so they will be scared or hesitant to report abuse in fear of disappointmen t, worse treatment, or even abandonment ( By educating children on the subject and by making them understand that it is not their fault, it is possible to create a place where the child feel comfortable enough to be honest and forward. On top of the places mentioned previously, there are also numerous recourses available specifically designed for preventing and educating when it comes to child sexual abuse. Programs like NCTSN (National Child Traumatic Stress Network) can educate parents on how to prevent their child from being abused and what signs to look for if they have been. Websites such as has a list of national and local programs that deal with everything from prevention to rehabilitation. By typing in à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Child Sexual Abuse Preventionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ in google one can clearly see that there is no lack of resources out there. There are thousands of programs designed to specifically prevent sexual abuse of a child, and even help restore the lives of those that have been taken away from abuse. There is even a national hotline, 1-800-4-A-CHILD, with operators and counselors committed to helping these victims. From my project research and experience, I became more knowledgeable in the ways sexual abuse of a child can be prevented, and how individuals as well as society as a whole can help children who are already being abused. Sexual abuse, especially on a child, is in my opinion one of the worst and immoral things you can do as a human being. I learned that the people who commit this type of abuse to this demographic are often deranged and have no control over their compulsive desire to commit these atrocities. The very best thing we can do to prevent this type of destruction to a childà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s life is to start with care and preventative measures inside the home and to implicate these measures outside the homes in public places as well. More than anything, I learned that prevention of this is not a simple task. It is almost impossible to protect a child inside their own home with abusive parents, if there is no evidence and the child is silent about the situation. We must all w ork together to put the knowledge out there for children on when they should go for help.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Protestant Reformation Essays -- essays research papers
PROTESTANT REFORMATION: A MENTOR TO CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION When we talk about Protestant Reformation, what usually comes to our mind is a movement that brought about negative effects not just in Europe but also in the whole Catholic Church, which are still being felt and experienced even today. Although it may be true that the Protestant Reformation had been one of the causes of the gradual decline of the Catholic Church during the 16th century, it also brought about numerous contributions in the development not just of the Catholic Church but the whole Christian Civilization as well. It was through the establishment of these Protestant Churches that the Catholic Church started taking a second look and examining well what was happening to the Catholic faith. It began to see the flaws and shortcomings of its Church and started to fix and find solutions to the growing conflicts and problems within and outside the Catholic Church and its people. One very important lesson that Christian Civilization could learn from the events of the Protes tant Reformation is that to never resolve to violence in trying to settle disputes and differences among people and to never allow ourselves to be influenced by wrong motives (more for our own selfish interests) in our pursuit for the "greater good". Even up to the present times, we can consider the Protestant Reformation a great contribution and influence in the formation of what we know now as Christi...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Characteristic of a research study Essay
1. Reliability is a subjective term which can not be measured precisely but today there are instruments which can estimate the reliability of any research. Reliability is the repeatability of any research, research instrument, tool or procedure. If any research yields similar results each time it is undertaken with similar population and with similar procedures, it is called to be a reliable research. Suppose a research is conducted on the effects of separation between parents on class performance of the children. If the results conclude that separation causes low grades in class, these results should have to be reliable for another sample taken from similar population. More the results are similar; more reliability is present in the research. 2. Validity is the strength with which we can call a research conclusions, assumptions or propositions true or false. Validity determines the applicability of research . Validity of the research instrument can be defined as the suitability of the research instrument to the research problem or how accurately the instrument measures the problem. Some researchers say that validity and reliability are co-related but validity is much more important than reliability. Without validity research goes in the wrong direction. To keep the research on-track define your concepts in the best possible manner so that no error occur during measurement. 3. Accuracy is also the degree to which each research process, instrument and tool is related to each other. Accuracy also measures whether research tools have been selected in best possible manner and research procedures suits the research problem or not. For example if a research has to be conducted on the trans-gender people, several data collection tools can be used depending on the research problems but if you find that population less cooperative the best way is to observe them rather than submitting questionnaire because in questionnaire either they will give biased responses or they will not return the questionnaires at all. So choosing the best data collection tool improves the accuracy of research. 4. Credibility comes with the use of best source of information and best procedures in research. If you are using second-hand information in your research due to any reason your research might complete in less time but its credibility will be at stake because secondary data has been manipulated by human beings and is therefore not very valid to use in research. A certain percentage of secondary data can be used if primary source is not available but basing a research completely on secondary data when primary data can be gathered is least credible. When researcher give accurate references in research the credibility of research increases but fake references also decrease the credibility of research. 5. Generalizability is the extent to which a research findings can be applied to larger population. When a researcher conducts a study he/she chooses a target population and from this population he takes a small sample to conduct the research. This sample is representative of the whole population so the findings should also be. If research findings can be applied to any sample from the population, the results of the research are said to be generalizable. 6. Empirical nature of research means that the research has been conducted following rigorous scientific methods and procedures. Each step in the research has been tested for accuracy and is based on real life experiences. Quantitative research is more easy to prove scientifically than qualitative research. In qualitative research biases and prejudice are easy to occur. 7. Systematic approach is the only approach for research. No research can be conducted haphazardly. Each step must follow other. There are set of procedures that have been tested over a period of time and are thus suitable to use in research. Each research therefore should follow a procedure. 8. Controlled-in real life experience there are many factors that effect an outcome. A single event is often result of several factors. When similar event is tested in research, due to the broader nature of factors that effect that event, some factors are taken as controlled factors while others are tested for possible effect. The controlled factors or variables should have to be controlled rigorously. In pure sciences it is very easy to control such elements because experiments are conducted in laboratory but in social sciences it becomes difficult to control these factors because of the nature of research.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Bad News or Refusal Letter
Oven last April 3, 2007. At BD Small appliances, we value customer satisfaction over anything else. We also take pride in providing quality assurance certified appliances to all out clients and do our best to offer the best after sales service in the market today through our optional extended warranty offer. Under the extended warranty offer, any appliance bought from our store carries an extended 2-year warranty on parts for factory defective appliances as well as free repair and service covering the first year of purchase.The extended warranty also comes with an option to replace the defective unit upon the request of the client. No questions asked. Unfortunately, your purchase is only covered by the regular warranty of the toaster that is good for only one year and covers only factory defects. The problem with your toaster stems from client misuse. Our company technician found a substance similar to melted butter and an unidentifiable sticky substance covering the heating coils. T his is what caused the toaster to break down.I also regret to inform you that because the defect of the toaster is does not stem from the factory production, the only option we can offer you is a repair of the item. The cost of the repair will be $47. 00, while a new toaster will cost $50. 00. As I explained above, the toaster is not covered by the extended warranty that would have allowed us to replace the toaster free of charge instead of repairing it. This is why we cannot accommodate your request for a brand new Moulinex Soft Crunch Toaster. I also regret to inform you that our return and refund policy only covers items purchased within 7 days.Refunds are also only done in the event of a factory defect. We would therefore like you to consider the 2 other options available to you, that is you may pay for the repair of the item or purchase a new one. Feel free to contact me at my direct number indicated at the end of this letter once you have made your decision or if you need furt her clarifications regarding this letter. I will be happy to confer with you at your convenience. Our company wishes we could do more for you to make up for the lost appliance so please accept the discount coupon worth $5.00 attached to this letter to help towards the purchase or repair of the your item. This has been a very difficult decision for our company to arrive at. I would have liked to bend company policy for you and give you a new toaster if it were possible for me to do so. I hope that this incident will not become a deterrent that will stop you from making future purchases at BD Small Appliances. Sincerely, Nicole Bridgford Customer Service Representative Contact Number: 551-429876 (Office Hours Only)
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
But I Dont Have Clips
But I Dont Have Clips When pitching to freelance markets, you feel the need to demonstrate your prowess. After all, your query is a resume of sorts, with you proving to the other side that you have what it takes to write for them. But what if you have not published yet? My best suggestion for this dilemma is to write for trade magazines to collect those first clips. Why? Because they are more interested in you being an expert in a subject than being a writer. My first clips came about not because I was a writer, but because of my experiences and educational background. You have that same opportunity. My very first clip was an essay in an anthology about my Christmas divorce. I never stated I could write or that Id never published before. I just wrote well and submitted. While it wasnt a trade, it was a clip. I could call myself a writer. Not long after, I pitched to a landscape management magazine, a trade. My degree is in agronomy, so when a landscaper came to the door of my newly constructed home, asking if he could give me an estimate for some work, I said sure. Unfortunately, he started talking to me as if I barely knew what dirt was, talking in elementary terms. I let him go on and on until finally I told him about my degree and maybe he could now talk seriously about what he could offer me. That afternoon I pitched that piece and received an acceptance in thirty minutes. I had a clip. I pitched an article about grants for writers to Writers Digest. Having recently left a career with the federal government, I understood where grants were and how to apply. They not only purchased it, but reprinted it several times, paying me each time. I moved not long after and again found myself putting sod down on a new yard, only it was three acres and required an irrigation system. I pitched TURF Magazine and did a profile on the company that installed my system, offering the pictures as well. My youngest son struggled in college, making me gray-headed with worry. So I did a piece on where a college student could find moral support on a college campus for College Bound Teen. I pitched a piece to a womens business newsletter about fighting the glass ceiling and enduring an EEO case. See? Step back from your life and note your experience. Therein lies your first clip. Its easier than you think. Just never let them know youve never published before, and they can solely focus on the experience you do have.
Monday, October 21, 2019
France bans the word hashtag - Emphasis
France bans the word hashtag France bans the word hashtag Sacrà © bleu! France has added hashtag to its list of banned English words, writes Cathy Relf. The Acadà ©mie franà §aise, the state body appointed to protect the French language, has announced that the English word is to be eschewed in favour of the French mot-dià ¨se. Mot-dià ¨se has attracted some criticism, partly because it cant actually be written as a Twitter hashtag itself, as it contains a hyphen. Its also inaccurate, say its critics, because dià ¨se is the name of the musical sharp symbol (â™ ¯), which is vertically aligned, unlike the slanted hashtag symbol (#). Nevertheless, hashtag has joined the list of 5,509-and-counting English words that the Acadà ©mie says must be avoided in official government documents, as well as by schoolteachers and the media. Other frowned-upon English terms, and their French replacements, include: breaking news informations de dernià ¨re minute early adopter acheteur pionnier email address adresse de courrier à ©lectronique spin doctor faà §onneur dimage usability/user friendliness convivialità © virtual shopping achat sur simulation à ©lectronique. French language in crisis The list of banned words is part of a drive by the French government to reverse the trend for adopting Anglo Saxon words, following a report in 2008 that found the French language was in deep crisis. The report called for an offensive to ensure that French is developed in a confident manner. It said: This is a battle in which the real stakes are measured in terms of both political influence and economic growth. But can government policies really influence the words that the public adopt and use? Only time will tell. The main challenge may be that the English words on the list are catchier and more succinct than the recommended French alternatives. Courrier à ©lectronique rather than email is that really going to catch on? Herve Bourges, one of the authors of the report, himself admits: In France, the concept of Francophonie appears retrogressive, obsolete and unheard especially among the younger generations. Wordy French alternatives to snappy English terms are unlikely to help change this. French words in English French and English have been borrowing, adopting and adapting words from each other for nearly 1,000 years, since the Norman conquest in 1066. More than a third of all English words are derived directly or indirectly from French, and its estimated that English speakers who have never studied French already know 15,000 French words. Dont believe it? Test yourself here. Some of the words and phrases that weve borrowed or adapted from French are easy to spot raison dà ªtre, bon appà ©tit and piedterre, for example while others are less immediately obvious, such as entrepreneur, sergeant and repartee. Often, the French words we use add a little je ne sais quoi, a touch of the risquà © or simply an à ©là ©gance lacking in the English equivalent. Fat liver, for example, doesnt sound anywhere near as appetising as foie gras. Touchà ©, originally a fencing term, has a succinctness that youve got me cant touch. A rendezvous sounds sexier than a meeting, a soiree more intriguing than a party. Brown-haired woman lacks the sauciness of brunette (a word rarely used in modern French). And in the case of blond(e), weve not only adopted the word, but the masculine/feminine spelling convention too. A fair exchange? English would certainly be a less interesting and expressive language if we were to somehow root out and remove the French influence. Perhaps there is a trade to be had. As we benefit from the French gift for elegance, so they can benefit from our gift for getting to the point. Or, is the Acadà ©mie right to take action? Has the exchange now become too weighted in one direction, and are measures needed to protect the French language? What do you think?
Sunday, October 20, 2019
History and Invention of the Post-It Note
History and Invention of the Post-It Note The Post-it Note (also sometimes called a sticky note) is a small piece of paper with a re-adherable strip of glue on its back, made for temporarily attaching notes to documents and other surfaces. Art Fry The Post-it Note may have been a godsend, literally. In the early 1970s, Art Fry was in search of a bookmark for his church hymnal that would neither fall out nor damage the hymnal. Fry noticed that a colleague at 3M, Doctor Spencer Silver, had developed an adhesive in 1968 that was strong enough to stick to surfaces, but left no residue after removal and could be repositioned. Fry took some of Silvers adhesive and applied it along the edge of a piece of paper. His church hymnal problem was solved. The New Type of Bookmark - Post-It Note Fry soon realized that his bookmark had other potential functions when he used it to leave a note on a work file, and co-workers kept dropping by, seeking bookmarks for their offices. This bookmark was a new way to communicate and to organize. 3M Corporation crafted the name Post-it Note for Arthur Frys new bookmarks and began production in the late 70s for commercial use. Pushing the Post-It Note In 1977, test markets failed to show consumer interest. However in 1979, 3M implemented a massive consumer sampling strategy, and the Post-it Note took off. Today, we see the Post-it Note peppered across files, computers, desks, and doors in offices and homes throughout the country. From a church hymnal bookmark to an office and home essential, the Post-it Note has colored the way we work. In 2003, 3M came out with Post-It Brand Super Sticky Notes, with a stronger glue that adheres better to vertical and non-smooth surfaces. Arthur Fry Background Fry was born in Minnesota. As a child, he showed signs of being an inventor making his own toboggans from scraps of wood. Arthur Fry attended the University of Minnesota, where he studied Chemical Engineering. While still a student in 1953, Fry began working for 3M in New Product Development he stayed with 3M his entire working life. Spencer Silver Background Silver was born in San Antonio. In 1962, he received his bachelor of science degree in chemistry from Arizona State University. In 1966, he received his Ph.D. in organic chemistry from the University of Colorado. In 1967, he became a senior chemist for 3Ms Central Research Labs specializing in adhesives technology. Silver is also an accomplished painter. He has received more than 20 U.S. patents. Popular Culture In 2012, a Turkish artist was selected to have a solo exhibition at a gallery in Manhattan. The exhibition, titled E Pluribus Unum (Latin for Out of many, one), opened November 15, 2012, and featured large-scale works on Post-it Notes. In 2001, Rebecca Murtaugh, a California artist who uses Post-it Notes in her artwork, created an installation by covering her whole bedroom with $1,000 worth of the notes, using the ordinary yellow for objects she saw as having less value and neon colors for more important objects, such as the bed. In 2000, the 20th anniversary of Post-it Notes was celebrated by having artists create artworks on the notes.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
International management behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
International management behaviour - Essay Example ets and dimensions of cross cultural presence in organizations, ways to manage cultural diversity as well as the resultant implications on organizational competitiveness. Finally, the article by using a combination of tools, approaches and methods guides the reader to analyze and implement the aspects learned in managing the diverse climate of their organizations in an effective and efficient manner. Organizations, today, are increasingly becoming multi cultural given the large presence of culturally diverse workforce. In the light of this fact it has become essential and inevitable for the leaders and managers to understand the various implications of such diversity and adapt to the rapidly changing workplace scenario by adopting policies and measures to suit the requirements that such situations demand. This article presents opportunities for the managers to learn and understand the concept and successfully cope with the pressures and challenges that circumstances arising out of the presence of such factors, demand. Managing a culturally diverse workplace is rapidly emerging as a new challenge for the management which is evident from the vast amount of studies carried out by various authors and researchers to analyze and understand this emerging trend. Some of the key concepts, theories and approaches included in this article are discussed below. In order to understand the actual essence of the concept of managing cultural diversity it is essential to study the diverse theories put forward by various authors which attempt to define the word diversity. Thomas (1991) believes that workplace diversity has a deeper meaning which transcends beyond race and gender and tends to engulfs within its gamut several other elements such as lifestyle, tenure, sexual preferences, etc among others. Cultural diversity is commonly found in almost all organizations and it is essential to understand and learn to manage such diversity in order to manage the organizations in the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Mockery in Order Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mockery in Order - Essay Example Therefore, the development of control structures is useful in maintaining order as well as enforcing discouraging protocols. The establishment of order has its own draw backs which are useful in the creation of controls that are useful in the maintenance of orderliness in the society. The reduction of freedom of choice to a restricted module or activity is the principal drawback of order creation. In a bid to create uniformity and orderliness in society, there is the creation of laws, rules, and regulations which are useful for the development of the systematic way. Military personnel are easily identified because of the set of the uniform they wear; the same applies to police service and school going children. Some of the personnel may view the uniform as an infringement on rights to dress as they wish which is the paradox of order. According to Barthes, the infringement of one's rights in the army through uniforms and the set of rules is a mockery to order (Barthes 40). He refers to submission in the army as fanatic and a blind act (Barthes 40). Think of students in uniform! Uniform gives an impression of equity and order in school, but does it mean that they love wearing it? A clear no. Some of the students will always abuse the uniform. As a result, dressing chords are implemented to enforce order of which later results to strikes and the so called â€Å"cases of indiscipline†. What a mockery of order! The students feel that the order created infringes their rights and forces them to adopt what they cannot live to. In a football match, the separation of the two groups of fans and supporters help in the creation of order. Imagine, that there was no separation between the groups. What could be the consequence of such an action? There would be strife and fighting within the group leading to disharmony and strife. The separation of the groups leads to the creation of order in the match. The separation is a creation of that reduces or limits freedom of movement between the two groups. In the real sense, human beings need to interact with each other, to enjoy freedom of movement. This privilege is lost in order for the order to exist in the match. The existence of a physical barrier separating the two groups is obviously an infringement on the right for movement and association that is accorded to all human beings. Despite the success of the physical barrier, there are still problems facing maintenance of order in situations such as play interruption as a result of pitch invasion by supporters as wi tnessed in matches in Italian and Russian football leagues. Additionally fans may clash in the street with some fans obtaining injures or even death in the street confrontation. The solution to the problem has always been the designation of routes to reduce meeting of the two supporter groups. The route designation minimizes freedom and association movements. The restriction of movement and association is the price of order creation; thus, it creates a scenario in order to gain publicity, and show a need for order creation. According to the chaos theory, in order for the order to be created disorder must first exist and vice versa. The creation of order, is based on, the drive to make an organised structure from, a disorganised state. The creation and innovation experienced in the world is as a result of need for order in all spheres of life. It is vital to state that the need for order
Domestic Terrorism Past and Present Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Domestic Terrorism Past and Present - Essay Example Without the threat of violence, the act becomes a protest, not terrorism (ACLU, 2002). The definition of domestic terrorism is broad enough to "encompass the activities of several prominent activist campaigns and organizations" (ACLU, 2002, par. 3) such as environmentalists in Greenpeace and anti-abortionists in a group called Operation Rescue. These organizations tend to make their actions known, especially seeking media coverage, while other groups stay underground, performing violent acts but not openly taking credit for them. Political violence has existed throughout the world from the beginning of organized government. Those who are well known for their rebellious political actions in the 20th century are, for instance, Mao Tse-tung (1999), Ernesto "Che" Guevera (Dorfman, 1999), Carlos Marghella (Manual, 2007) and Frantz Fanon (2007). These revolutionaries were from China, Cuba, Brazil, and Martinique, respectively, and all were affiliated with Communism. These activists were labelled domestic terrorists within their own countries, but in the 21st century, domestic terrorists can be defined as those who infiltrate American space and use American transport conveyances to attack the United States with no concern for human life. Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, the Taliban, and Jihad are blamed for the tragedy of 9/11/01, and their actions have initiated strict security controls throughout the U.S. The Internet has become a growing showcase for those who are convinced they have the answer to problems they a ttribute to Democracy, and all have a favourite dissident to follow. The overall aspect of terrorism is its politically motivated violence, and by addressing it as a police or security task in America, it has simply driven some targeted U.S. groups underground. It has been evident that military strategy does not work with political and religious extremist groups because, as noted by psychologist Jerome M. Post, "Terrorists whose only sense of significance comes from being terrorists cannot be forced to give up terrorism for to do so would be to lose their very reason for being." (How Terrorist Groups End, 1999). According to Vohryzek-Bolden, "right wing domestic terrorism will prevail well into the 21st century." Ecological resistance groups, anti-environmental movements, animal rights groups, and anti-abortion activists are offshoots of prior ideology in which violence is justified in the name of social right. Much of domestic counter-terrorism in the U.S. is militia-watching. There are two kinds of militia-those acting above ground and those below ground. They share the same right-wing ideology although structures and recruitment methods might be different. They both fear losing constitutional rights (Sunde & Shukovsky, 2001) while believing themselves superior. Examples of domestic terrorism in the past can be attributed to the Ku Klux Klan, Confederate Civil War veterans who had no compunction against practising violence, burning down black churches and lynching black citizens. In this century, gays and lesbians are targeted with the same belief that they do not have rights in American society. Anti-abortionists have the same ideology, believing they have a right to burn down clinics without regard for human life, even as they are saying that this is being done to save human life, an excuse that makes little sense. Â
London Elections 2006 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
London Elections 2006 - Essay Example These two incidents virtually sealed the fate of the Labour party, as it were. In the city of London especially, a meltdown in the support for the Labour party was almost certain. Since the Labour party came to power in 1997, the Tories have been showing better and better performance at local elections. The Tories had a bigger share in the local government than the Labour, and they have been putting in some good performance. Hence the Toreis naturally had an upper hand. Still, it was a tough fight for everyone involved, and the key battleground for the three major contesting parties - the ruling Labour party, their main opposition the Conservative party, and the steadily rising Liberal Democratic party - was of course the city of London with its 32 boroughs. London accounted for 40% of the 4,361 seats contested across England (Woodward 2006).While the Tories and the Libs aggressively pushed for positive gains, the Labour assumed more of a defensive stance, desperately bent upon doing damage control. The Labour braced up to face heavy pressure, while the Tories were poised to win a string of councils in the London suburbs from the Labour (Sherman et al. 2006). As it turned out, the Labour lost Crawley, ... That the Labour government was able to secure 2012 Olympics for London seems to have counted for nothing. The whole tide was against them. It may have to do with cost of living or "quality of life" issues, broadly speaking, or with more particular areas like crime and transport where the Labour government seems to have fared bad. Some say the Labour failed to protect the working man. According to another view, their wavering educational policy distanced them from many of their potential supporters (Sanderson 2006). The heavy losses the Labour party took necessitated a serious analysis on its part as to the reasons behind such depressing defeat, and while some are obvious others are not. But the most obvious, almost luridly obvious, were the sleazy sex scandal involving the Labour MP John Prescott that erupted shortly before the election day, and the row over a decision executed by the home minister Charles Clarke to release a number of serious offenders, all of them being prisoners o f foreign origin, on tenuous and unjustifiable grounds. The Conservatives too performed poorly in the northern cities like Machester, Liverpool, Sheffield, and Newcastle. However, they have been able to compensate for their losses by securing a strong foothold in London, as well as in some areas of South. Overall, the Conservatives came out with the biggest percentage of election results - nearly 40 percent. The Labour and the Liberal Democrats found themselves lagging behind at about 27 per cent each (Webster, Sherman 2006). In all, Labour lost 19 councils and 298 seats (Woodward 2006). It was a disaster alright for the Labour, though not quite
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Dell and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Dell and Management - Essay Example Attentive approach to potential markets evaluation and effective realization of management ideas directing the efficiency and sales growth make Dell computers one the best managed companies in the world. In addition to that, Dell management always have full database of current and fulfilled operations - it provides the management's ability to foresee the situation and analyze it properly and deeply. Anther interesting feature of Dell management is that executives, as well as other specialists of the company, work in groups (so called "two-in-a-box" approach), so members of a group can improve work efficiency by mutual analysis and help. High efficiency, speed and discipline differs Dell from many other world famous corporations. All these management approaches and their realization provide Dell computers as one the best managed companies in the world. 2. There are some management functions which are realized best in the company. One of these functions is direct control of business processes in the company. The CEO has a full range of sales promotion database and all the information needed for business operating: "In the office, he reserves an hour in the morning and one each afternoon to do nothing but read and respond to e-mail, according to one former executive (The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, p.6)". One another management function best realized in Dell is active sales promotion strategies providing - they direct to sales and production quality growth. In addition to that, different forms of cooperation with other leading companies are provided, such as brands use and other companies' managers recruiting. Dell management's purpose is not only to achieve high rates of profit and sales growth, but it tries to monitor long-term success and profitability. So, different sale and price approaches and strategies are maintained, and these management's methods provide long-term success and customers' trust in Dell services and production. These approaches also provide money saving policy which is very important for any successful company. One of the Dell top managers underlined that "There are some organizations where people think they're a hero if they invent a new thing. Being a hero at Dell means saving money (The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, p.3)". Effective combination of different types of management also provides high efficiency of all business operations in Dell. 3. The management functions indicated above are performed because of high targets which Dell managers have, and only effective realization of these functions can provide long-term success of the company. There are some ways of these functions performing. The managers of Dell use such effective sales method as direct sales which provide high volume of sales. Direct sales method also provides low cost services and production - it helps to enter new markets successfully and for a long time. The CEO encourages accountability among employees, and it provides high level of efficiency and responsibility. The function of control is also provided by "two-in-box" method which allows two managers to work
Chemical Firms Plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Chemical Firms Plan - Case Study Example The sixteen firms plan a 7.6% rise in spending for new plants and equipment in 2007 to 0.4 billion, down from 28.1% and 16.5% for 2005 and 2006 respectively. While companies surveyed in January 2006 expected to increase capital spending by 17.0, the expected increase in R&D was 4.7%, proving that priorities and spending plans can change over the course of a year. This year's group reports that it actually increased R&D by 9.0%. Of the 16 companies that provided 2007 capital spending plans, 10 expect to increase spending on new plants and equipment compared with 2006, two plan to spend the same, and four have plans to cut back. This compares with 14 that increased spending in 2006 and two that pulled back. In some cases, firms are spending on new capacity in response to customer demands. Other firms intend to make capital improvements to enhance efficiency and productivity. Ferro, for instance, says it is increasing spending to fund productivity improvement and also to underwrite restructuring programs in its electronic materials and colors segments. The firm plans to increase capital spending by 36.4% to million in 2007. Of the 14 firms surveyed on R&D spending plans, nine plan to increase spending in 2007, three plan spending cuts, a... The 14 firms in this group budgeted a combined 0.6 billion for research in 2007, up 5.8% over 2006. Their plans mark a slowdown compared with the collective 7.3% and 9.0% boost to research budgets in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Funds slated for R&D tend to move in a narrower range than those for capital improvements. So when capital budgets jump, a proportionately smaller share of the budget goes to fund research. This year, the firms in C&EN's survey expect to devote 30.3% of future-oriented funds to research, compared with the decade high of 34.8% in 2004 and the decade low of 27.7% in 1997. The combined 2007 budget of the 14 firms that supplied both R&D and capital spending data is .5 billion. Despite the slowdown in the rates of increase, the figure marks a decade high. Four years ago, in 2003, the group's future-oriented spending hit a decade low of .9 billion. A significant run-up in capital expenditures gets most of the credit for the rebound. But take inflation into account, and the funds destined for future-oriented projects won't buy nearly as much as they did 10 years ago. The .5 billion that the group plans to spend this year is only .9 billion in 1997 dollars. Because of the boost in capital spending in recent years, the ratio of investment in new equipment to investment in research has steadily increased. Inevitably, inflation whittles away at the buying power of dollars devoted to research. The .6 billion devoted to R&D by this year's group of 14 companies represents only .1 billion based on a constant 1997 dollar. However, that .1 billion also marks the inflation-adjusted decade high. The Industrial Research Institute's "R&D Trends Forecast for 2007" notes that despite a slowing housing market and wavering consumer confidence, many
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Dell and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Dell and Management - Essay Example Attentive approach to potential markets evaluation and effective realization of management ideas directing the efficiency and sales growth make Dell computers one the best managed companies in the world. In addition to that, Dell management always have full database of current and fulfilled operations - it provides the management's ability to foresee the situation and analyze it properly and deeply. Anther interesting feature of Dell management is that executives, as well as other specialists of the company, work in groups (so called "two-in-a-box" approach), so members of a group can improve work efficiency by mutual analysis and help. High efficiency, speed and discipline differs Dell from many other world famous corporations. All these management approaches and their realization provide Dell computers as one the best managed companies in the world. 2. There are some management functions which are realized best in the company. One of these functions is direct control of business processes in the company. The CEO has a full range of sales promotion database and all the information needed for business operating: "In the office, he reserves an hour in the morning and one each afternoon to do nothing but read and respond to e-mail, according to one former executive (The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, p.6)". One another management function best realized in Dell is active sales promotion strategies providing - they direct to sales and production quality growth. In addition to that, different forms of cooperation with other leading companies are provided, such as brands use and other companies' managers recruiting. Dell management's purpose is not only to achieve high rates of profit and sales growth, but it tries to monitor long-term success and profitability. So, different sale and price approaches and strategies are maintained, and these management's methods provide long-term success and customers' trust in Dell services and production. These approaches also provide money saving policy which is very important for any successful company. One of the Dell top managers underlined that "There are some organizations where people think they're a hero if they invent a new thing. Being a hero at Dell means saving money (The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, p.3)". Effective combination of different types of management also provides high efficiency of all business operations in Dell. 3. The management functions indicated above are performed because of high targets which Dell managers have, and only effective realization of these functions can provide long-term success of the company. There are some ways of these functions performing. The managers of Dell use such effective sales method as direct sales which provide high volume of sales. Direct sales method also provides low cost services and production - it helps to enter new markets successfully and for a long time. The CEO encourages accountability among employees, and it provides high level of efficiency and responsibility. The function of control is also provided by "two-in-box" method which allows two managers to work
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
How ICT impacts on me Essay Example for Free
How ICT impacts on me Essay I think ICT impacts me a lot since I first used a computer. It made my life happier but as well as distracting me too much sometimes. When I first used a computer, I was about 8 or 9; it was a must because we all had computer lessons since primary 3 until year 7. Email was the only major thing that made me use computers. By the time goes by, I am getting older, I was told by my younger cousin to play computer games on the internet. Since then, I used computer every day. My mum saw this then she set me a do’s list and a don’ts list. She thought that I was too addicted to the internet for some reason. This probably is one of the handicaps of how ICT impacts on me. On the other hand, teachers taught us how to use email on the internet since we were small, that leaded me communicating with my school friends during holiday. I thought this was very easy for us; we did not have to ring each other very frequently, we could simply send emails. However, we did not use it too appropriately. As the technology is growing year by year, now I know what exactly computers or anything related to ICT help us and influence us. Say about the online banking nowadays, customers will receive a little machine from their bank, which is used for confirming you are the right person when your debit or withdraw money from online banking. This can help with avoiding crime on online banking. For example, customer will need their secure key every time they log on. Secure key is the name of the little machine. It is handy, easy to keep in a safe place. Whenever customers need to log on to their online banking account, the website will ask them for the security code from their secure key. Next, they need to click one of the buttons on their secure key, then a random number or key appear on the screen. This prevents from some people who are trying to hack in others’ accounts. This would also make people feel safer when they do online banking, and getting away from the stress of being stolen a huge amount of money sneakily. This also affects hackers in a bad way; they will not be able to investigate a new way to hack people’s accounts in a period! On the other side of the influence on me, it would probably be computers. Years ago, I was still ‘’writing’’ my prep, nowadays, I go straight to my laptop and ‘’type’’ out my prep and then print them off. We have a various choice for us to prepare and do our paper work on our laptops. Now I use word processer to do my essay-work. Presentation software is for presenting information to a group of people. Spreadsheet is for calculating faster than working out numbers ‘manually’. Database is for holding a massive amount of data and records. This really does help people work more efficiently and spend less time on their work. Correcting words immediately after you find out wrong words is one of the advantages of ICT. Scribbles can be prevented if I work on my laptop. Finally, ICT really affects us in a good way, but there is one main thing that is bad for us. On the social side, some social websites tend to be too distracting to people, this would affect their working motivation and their working force. ICT could be a handicap in some ways. It could lead some teenagers or children over-addicted to computer games or social websites. In conclusion, ICT impacts me well so far. I could do my prep in a faster way and entertainment myself when I am bored or free.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Consumer Buying Behavior And Decision Making
Consumer Buying Behavior And Decision Making Recent research discovered that consumers are just likely to make purchase and to be influenced not only by relatives and peers, by endorsers but also by attitudes, situations and emotion (Olsen et al., 2007). The process of consumer decision making can be viewed as three well defined stages namely the Input, the Process and the Output as shown below (Schiffman, 2005). The Input Stage influences the individuals recognition of a product need and consists of two main sources of information which is the firms marketing efforts in term of its price, promotion, location of the retail outlets and the second source is the external sociological influences on the consumer which includes family, friends, neighbors, social class amongst others. The Process stage emphasizes on the way consumers make their decisions. The psychological factors built-in each individual like motivation, perception, learning, personality and attitudes which affect the way external elements from input stage affects the consumers recognition of a need, pre-purchase search for information and evaluation of alternatives. The output stage comprises of two related post-decision activities namely the purchase behaviour and post-purchase evaluation. A low-cost and non-durable product may be influenced by the manufacturers coupon and may actually be a trial purchase. The consumer evaluates the product through direct use. For a relatively durable product such as a laptop, the consumer decision-making model is examined in greater depth (Schiffman, 2005). 2.1 Factors influencing Consumer Buying decision 2.11 Cultural Factors In a sense, culture is a societys personality (Wayne, 2008). According to Hawkins (2009), culture is defined as the sum of total learned belief, values and customers that serve to direct the consumer behavior of members of a particular society. Individual are brought up to follow the beliefs, values and customs of their society and to avoid behavior that is considered as taboo. (Graham, 2009). Overall societies are segmented into subcultures. The sub-cultural divisions are based on nationality, religion, geographic locality, race, age and sex. 2.12 Social Factors A reference groups are groups that serves as frames of reference for individuals in their purchase or consumption decisions. Indirect reference group consist of groups with whom a person does not have direct face to face contact, such as movie stars, TV personalities, sports heroes or even interesting-looking people on the street (Graham, 2009). An individual who has little or no experience with a durable product is more likely to seek out the advice or example of others (Solomon et al., 2009). When consumers are concerned with obtaining accurate information about the performance or quality of a product or service, they are likely to be persuaded by those whom they consider trustworthy and knowledgeable (Hoyer et al., 2007). Appeals by celebrities and other reference group are used very effectively to communicate with their market. For many consumers, their family is their primary reference group for many attitudes and behavior. The members of a family assume specific roles in their everyday functioning, such roles or tasks extend to realm of consumer purchase decisions. 2.13 Psychological Factors Psychological factors arousing within individuals relatively drive general behavior of consumers and thus affect their behavior. The main influences on consumer behavior are personality and self-concept, motivation, learning and perception (Sorensen, 2009). 2.14 Individual Factors Demographic variables are individual characteristics which consist of occupation, sex, income, origin, ethnic, race and age (Kanuk,1999). 2.2 Organizational Buying Behavior The decision making process by which formal organizations confirm the need for products and services to be purchased, consider and select among alternative suppliers and brands (Glavee, 2009). (Hutt, 2009), as an outcome of the vast area of prior research, proceeded the characterization of the industrial buying behavior divided into three major aspects: The Buying Process, The buying Centre and Factors influencing the buying centre. As Kelly (2007), the buygrid model is a conceptual model, which describes the different combinations of buying phases and buying situations. It incorporates three types of buying situations: (1) the new task, (2) the straight re-buy, and (3) the modified re-buy, combined with eight phases in the buying decision process. The model serves as an easy framework for visualizing the otherwise complex business buying process and enables the vendor to identify the critical phases and situation requiring specific types of information. 2.3 The Buying Centre As Hutt (2009) mentioned, companies do not buy, people do. It is of utmost importance to have a concrete knowledge about those involved in the buying decision making process of the goods or services that a vendor aim to sell. It has been indicated that many individuals are pertained in the buying process of industrial goods. 2.4 Roles of the Buying Centre members Buyers are known to assume some common roles in a buying process (Wind, 1967). These roles are classified into six groups which are shown below. Initiator is the one or group of individuals who become aware of a company problem and recognize that the problem can be solved via acquisition of a product or service. The influencers are those who have a say in whether a product or service is bought or not. The more critical a purchase is to companys business, the higher the number of influencers. Gatekeepers usually act as problem or product experts. They have information about a range of vendor offerings. Other buying centre members therefore rely on their information for their assessment of prospective vendors offerings. Thus, by controlling information, and, by having access to decision makers in the firm, the gatekeepers largely determine which vendors get the chance to sell. Deciders are those who make the actual purchase decision. For instance, they say yes or no to what vendors offer. The buyer is one who makes arrangements for the delivery of the goods. He is also often directly involved in negotiating the conditions under which the transactions will be made. Users are those who usually make use of the products in normal working process. 2.5 Factors influencing the buying process and the buying centre Different attributable influences that affect the buying process and the buying centre previously addressed ( Nielson, 2008) : Aspects influencing the buying process Brief description Organizational Technology, goal, task, actors, structure. Interpersonal Formal authority, persuasiveness Personal Status, politics, ethics. Environmental Physical, economic, technological, legal, political and cultural. 2.6 WOM in Consumer Environment Word of mouth is about disseminating information by verbal communication, particularly references including general information in an informal or person-to-person approach. Word of Mouth is usually regarded as a verbal communication, although web dialogue, such as, message boards, emails and blogs (Olson et al., 2010). 2.7 WOM influencing consumer buying behavior WOM is considered to be of utmost importance in shaping consumers attitudes and behaviors. Silverman (2011), studied the diffusion of technology products and concluded that the pattern of ownership may be justified by the presence of an effective network consisting of neighbours exchanging product information. Songe (2006) pointed out that WOM is the most essential source of influence in the purchase of technology and household goods. It is three times effective as radio advertising, newspapers and magazines. 2.8 Characteristics of WOM WOM can be seen as positive as well as negative (Jantsh, 2010). Negative WOM arose when consumers gather information on lack of service, high prices or impolite sales personnel. PWOM is a reference to the passing of positive information. Scharffer (1998) indicated that dissatisfied customers made complain twice than when they are satisfied. Goodman (2009) justified that the services recovery programmes, service guarantees and complaints process affect the direction of WOM. WOM is considered to be an unlimited activity to consumers. The WOM activity can be perceived as a function where the individuals with whom the organization and its employees come into contact like the customers, suppliers, competitors, the general public, or other stakeholders (Misner, 1999). Throughout a decision making process, WOM may be employed at different stages. WOM can be used before or after a purchase. The use of WOM in a pre-purchase stage is referred to as input WOM and Output WOM is issued after the purchase (Assael, 1997). The effectiveness of WOM is far from being unnoticed. Some organizations regard customer WOM as one of the most strong marketing tool (Wilson, 1994). According to Scharffer (1998), marketers attempt to directly influence opinion leaders, incite WOM communication in advertising or depict communications form opinion leaders. 2.9 The Nature of WOM Nail (2002), distinguished three main types of WOM communications in an evaluation on personal influence in buying technology products namely product information, private experience and recommendation. Product information is informing about the product such as benefits of the products. Private experience includes explanations about reasons for purchasing the product. Recommendation refers to point of views about the product. These categorization implies that WOM attends to inform and to influence. Product news, for example, is efficient in bringing awareness about a product and its features. Listening about the experiences of the product from a friend help the consumer in evaluating the absolute merits of one brand or another. Eventually through the perceptions of others, advice is essential in making the purchase decision stage (Solomon et al., 2009). 2.10 Opinion leaders and followers According to Rosen (2002), mass media messages are caught and disseminated by opinion leaders. He also pointed out that mediated communication are circulated to opinion leaders who disseminate it through WOM to their peers. This in turn exert some influences. According to his theory, opinion leaders are present in all groupings of society and may be persuasive on specific topic (Songe, 2006). Lois (2007), could not differentiate between followers and opinion leaders. In his research, he inclined to talk of influencers rather than opinion leaders. He pointed out that influencers are active information searcher, more dependent and more innovative. The follower is active and may ask for information as well as considering opinions of others Those who diffuse information are also likely to receive it which denote that opinion leaders are also followers and vice versa. Wilson (1994) has certified that there is a dominance of personal influence in decision making. In his study, Hutt (2009) added that people who received positive WOM about a new product were more likely to purchase it rather than those who received negative WOM. The powerful effect of WOM is linked to various factors. There are situations where consumers referrals are perceived as being more rational and reliable than commercial sources of information (Rosen, 2002). Dialogues with either friends or relatives tend to be friendly and can help for trying out certain behaviours. Potential consumers of a particular product can acquire some of the product experience by searching for someone who has acquired recent experience with the product (Silverman, 2011). 2.11 Importance of WOM in service sector Good service is essential to promote positive WOM. Consumers depend largely on personal communication with other customers since their experiences are regarded as a trial (Goodman, 2010). Wilson (1994), in turn found that services consumers choose to search for reference from relative and peers rather than promotional sources. Customers are skeptical. They do not believe anymore about what they see or hear. (Kelly, 2007). According to Finch (2003), it is considerable when reference groups are likely to influence especially when the customer is dealing with a decision process and the purchase of the product involve certain risk. Proctor (1995) noted the individuals who have ongoing involvement are more prone to be opinion leaders. Consumers would rather seek information from friends and family if risk is likely to emerge when making a purchase (Scharffer, 1998). 2.12 Motives for engaging in WOM communication Finch (2003), concluded that there are a multitude of reasons for engaging in WOM communication. Sernovitz (2009), supported with evidence that those who disseminate information are certainly those who are experiencing the product. The involvement in the product-related decision is an essential component in personal communications. According to Songe (2006), WOM communication is the basic interest in the product category concerning ongoing involvement. Individuals who have an enduring interest in a product category experience satisfaction in discussing about it (Wilson, 1994). Additionally, Rosem (2002), pointed out that WOM communication is usually introduced to remove any doubt about product choice. According the theory of Wilson (1994), a consumer may try to decrease discomfort by explaining the positive aspects of a recently purchased product to peers and family. Furthermore, purchasing the similar product by a friend or relative proves the original judgment of the consumer (Skubal, 2002). Discussing about the product may likely to drive people to personal satisfaction (Songe, 2006). 2.13 Post-Purchase Decision-Making Negative WOM is known to be a framework of customer complaining behaviour. Harris (2008) suggested that consumers can either express their dissatisfaction or end up the relationship when confronting with unmet expectations. Furthermore, Burg (2005) classified three main reactions to dissatisfaction namely switching to another brands or substitute, making a complaint to the retailer or personnel and finally informing others about the unsatisfactory product or service. Concerning minor dissatisfaction consumers are not likely to complain nor do they spread negative WOM (Finch, 2003). When the level of dissatisfaction is important, consumers are more likely to complain (Kelly, 2007). Goodman (2009), referred that after purchases, consumers are likely to engage in a post-purchase evaluation of the product. If the consumer is not satisfied, psychological discomfort may occur. 2.14 Pre-Purchase DM According to Scharffer (1998), WOM is seen as a process through which consumers convey both informational influence in evaluation of the product and the purchase intention of fellow consumers. This type of information can thus be expressed according to the choice of the referral source or the task of selecting the product (Lees, 2007). 2.15 WOM has a powerful influence on organizational DM WOMC is thus considered as a growing necessity in B2B markets. According to Neilsen (2000) , WOM consists of informal communications directed by consumers at other consumers about ownership or characteristics of particular goods or services and or their sellers. WOM is perceived as an exit outcome to dissatisfaction with the product quality it can be perceived a behavioral manifestation of a latent loyalty towards the supplier or the brand (Canning, 2007). The WOM system is referred to a network where personal, verbal, face to face communication take place. It is also defined as the attribute of the information dealt and how these information would determine the role of the participants (Balter et al., 2009). 2.16 Provision of WOM While in any prevailing WOM circumstances, recommendations, opinions, information are likely to succeed in both ways. Emotions influence how decisions are formulated. In B2B purchase, the buyer does not encounter the overall benefit of the solution and may not be compensated for making a good purchase, but a bad purchase can damage the reputation and job security of the buyer. The study of Prahalad (2004) revealed that organizational buying decisions are normally influence fear. Organizational buyers tend to reduce fear by reducing risk. Personal risk is mostly hidden from the rational process and is considered as an important factor in B2B buying. Like in quality judgments, satisfaction can result to positive WOM through an exit, voice and loyalty logic argument (Nielson, 2002). To such a degree that satisfaction has affective bases, the statement specified earlier about the influence to WOM route has validity as well (Robins, 2008). The involvement with a product certainly provides a person with the motivation and ability to come up with product-related conversations with others. Like Jantsch (2010), observed an individuals frequent engagement with a product or service brings out to overflowing thoughts and emotions that can easily recalled in WOM experiences, frequently willfully so, in order to clear out the tension or the experience. Dissatisfaction with a product presumed to be essential by the individual is particularly filled with WOM potential (Balter et al. 2009). Researchers have been able to separate several product-related factors that reduce the occurrence and extent of WOM activity. Price awareness for product, for one, has been encountered to correspond remarkably with WOM transmission. Preceding a dissatisfactory experience, individuals have demonstrated to participate in more or less WOM conversations depending on the seriousness and controllability and composure of the problem (Bowman, 2009), as well as the perceived likelihood of a favorable redress (Wilson, 2006). Positive outcomes concerning complaint handling and redress, like the diffusive and synergetic justice of the redress orientation and the convenience of recovery, can lead positive consequences for a provider as individuals have the tendency to respond to positive things about the provider (Balter et al., 2009). 2.17 Strategies for managing risks Rosen (2009) introduced three strategies for managing risk namely: Approved supplier list. B2B buyers are prone to select companies they already know. If a member from the buying centre has pre-approved a supplier, the risk is reduced even if it is not the right solution. Word of mouth for example colleagues and friends. User communities are one of the main sources of information for researching B2B purchases. A recommendation from a credible source tend to reduce risk. Word of mouth from existing suppliers. A good representative build good relationship with their suppliers to create a credible source for referrals. 2.18 Buyers seek personal recommendation The most influential channels across decision making process were blogs, word of mouth, websites, trade journals and other form of media. According to Nail (2002), organizational buyers valued WOM communication which provide a personal recommendation. 2.19 The Buying Process Bowman (2009) made the conclusion that B2B buying is a decision process driven by the emotions of the people involved. Business buyers are mostly motivated to reduce personal risk of making mistakes. The decision making process in the B2B environment is not an easy task. Generally doers are those making the purchase of the product or service. The buyer has the entire responsibility for reducing corporate risk. The presence of a broad chain of gatekeepers in organizations means determine the level of complexity in decision-making process in B2B environment. In the B2B environment, decision making process is much more puzzling where there is no specific decision-maker across organizations (Nail, 2002). Graham (2009) implied that in an organization there is a gatekeeper who is allowed to share ideas and information to the members in the buying centre. Both the doers and the buyers need to search for information in the buying process. B2B website should take into consideration the information needs of those who search the Internet. Person to person meetings are crucial to reach the emotional needs of prospects. Building credible relationship through person to person meetings with both doers and buyers is necessary in the complex decision making process. Analytical plan offer recommendations about which options and information to consider or to reject. This help the organization to facilitate decisions to their relevant core. 2.20 The impact of Social Media Robins (2008) declared that online channel, precisely the social media occupied an essential role in how research is proceeded and finally the decision on business purchases in the future. Social media like Website, Blogs or Facebook are also considered to be influential. Inactive channels like the press advertising are equally influential. Robins (2008) pointed out that decision-makers need to search social media channels for information to their actions. Colleagues and peers add value to decision and thus minimizing risks (Siguardarson, 2000). Factors like the ability to learn from experiences of others, the ability to access to information and the ability to communicate with others. According to the study of Robins (2008), B2B buyers refer to trade journals as well as professional online media for B2B decision making. The study also regards word of mouth and personal reference from professional colleagues or peers which is considered as the most influencing source in buying decisions. According to the study of Fader (2010), there is a noticeable change in the influence of supplier websites at the beginning of the purchasing process. He further characterized websites as very influential. Personal recommendation is clearly approved as the most valuable factor in B2B purchasing decisions. Channel like Trade journals, Website, Blogs and Facebook are seen as large influencers concerning the provision of information to help buyers identify potential suppliers. Buyers and deciders are personally involved in the final decision making process. The members in the buying centre regularly used word of mouth and supplier websites as sources of information (Bowman, 2009). Mass media is a mean of reaching directly opinion leader, follower or the gatekeeper (Jantsch, 2010). According to Santeller (2010), the gatekeeper is considered as a source of information to both opinion leaders and followers. The research of Hoyer et al. (2006) showed that diffusion of social of social media is increasing constantly. According to the study of Sorensen (2009), some B2B buyers prefer to use of social media channels while others refer more to traditional information channels. He further observed that B2B buyer opted for issue-based information from supplier websites as a main source of information at the beginning of the buying process. Furthermore the level of influence are reduced towards later stages.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Favoring Villain :: Antagonist Villains Movies Essays
Favoring Villain Society thrives on movies, the excitement, the romance, and the danger. Most people watch movies as a source of entertainment, but how often do we think about the nature of the film. For instance, the film†Oceans Eleven†and â€Å"The Italian Job†were very successful movies at the box office this year. Both films have innumerable aspects of revenge and payback but probably the most apparent theme of the movies is stealing. The characters in both films are masterminds at what they feel is the perfect job, the heist of large amounts of money from their enemy. These films show the devious side of people and how they succeed in illegal actions, constructing the villain in such a way that it makes the audience favor the villain. Through repetition the writers can engage the viewers to favor the villain. Oceans Eleven starts out with the main Character Daniel Ocean getting out of jail for another job that he got caught trying to do. The character is dressed in a tuxedo and has a confident air about him. The first scene of the movie already has the audience intrigued with the character because he looks first-class. As the movie progresses the other characters are introduced, each one exceptionally well dressed with great manners, coming across as very sophisticated. Our society loves excitement and leadership, which the characters in this movie provide greatly. While introducing each new character, the writers were particular about having each character dressed remarkably well, repeating the image that they are high-quality people. Daniel Ocean makes a proposition to his very close friend played by Brad Pitt, to hit up three casinos in one night. He explains that this hit will have to be precise, it will need lots of planning, and they will have to have lots of funding. The character s come off very smoothly, relaxed and confident about what they are doing, allowing the audience to get comfortable with the idea that the characters are going to be stealing from three major corporations, all of which happen to be owned by the same man. The owner of the three casinos is a ruthless man described as someone â€Å"Who better not know your involved, not know your name, or your dead or he will kill you and then go to work on you.†The audience is already favoring Daniel Ocean and his crew, finding out that the man they are stealing from is ruthless just turns everyone against him even though he is the one who is getting robbed. Favoring Villain :: Antagonist Villains Movies Essays Favoring Villain Society thrives on movies, the excitement, the romance, and the danger. Most people watch movies as a source of entertainment, but how often do we think about the nature of the film. For instance, the film†Oceans Eleven†and â€Å"The Italian Job†were very successful movies at the box office this year. Both films have innumerable aspects of revenge and payback but probably the most apparent theme of the movies is stealing. The characters in both films are masterminds at what they feel is the perfect job, the heist of large amounts of money from their enemy. These films show the devious side of people and how they succeed in illegal actions, constructing the villain in such a way that it makes the audience favor the villain. Through repetition the writers can engage the viewers to favor the villain. Oceans Eleven starts out with the main Character Daniel Ocean getting out of jail for another job that he got caught trying to do. The character is dressed in a tuxedo and has a confident air about him. The first scene of the movie already has the audience intrigued with the character because he looks first-class. As the movie progresses the other characters are introduced, each one exceptionally well dressed with great manners, coming across as very sophisticated. Our society loves excitement and leadership, which the characters in this movie provide greatly. While introducing each new character, the writers were particular about having each character dressed remarkably well, repeating the image that they are high-quality people. Daniel Ocean makes a proposition to his very close friend played by Brad Pitt, to hit up three casinos in one night. He explains that this hit will have to be precise, it will need lots of planning, and they will have to have lots of funding. The character s come off very smoothly, relaxed and confident about what they are doing, allowing the audience to get comfortable with the idea that the characters are going to be stealing from three major corporations, all of which happen to be owned by the same man. The owner of the three casinos is a ruthless man described as someone â€Å"Who better not know your involved, not know your name, or your dead or he will kill you and then go to work on you.†The audience is already favoring Daniel Ocean and his crew, finding out that the man they are stealing from is ruthless just turns everyone against him even though he is the one who is getting robbed.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Anti-semitism In The Merchant Of Venice :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays
Anti-Semitism in The Merchant of Venice It is my strong belief that the play, "The Merchant of Venice", should be taught in classes. If this play was banned from schools it would most certainly be a form of censorship. While minors rights are somewhat limited when it comes to this right, I think that even Minors should not be censored from this writing. The play teaches us about prejudice, and why it is wrong. People would see how everyone was hurt at one time or another by a prejudice, whether it was the Christians making fun of Shylock or Shylock showing his prejudice to the Christian's. I imagine that anyone watching, listening or reading this play would see how everyone was hurt, and would learn of racism's faulty basis's for judging someone. Some people would have you think that the play itself is racist, and provides a forum in which racism can grow and become only a bigger problem. I think that this is a flawed way of looking at it. I see the play as a confrontation of a modern day problem which society still faces. Rather than providing a forum for racism to grow, the play provides a forum for anti-racism discussion, if all proper steps are taken. When I say if all proper steps are taken, I am referring to having this play taught by a teacher, who can explain the plays meaning in it's fullest so that the students do not miss any important points from it. Another point that may have been missed when the presentation was made to the school board to ban the material from being taught inside the school system was that everyone is bad in the play. The Christians portrayal was just as bad as the Jewish man, Shylock's portrayal. In fact I think that the play gave a worse portrayal of the Christian's because they ended up being the most evil, through taking away everything that Shylock had and making him become Christian. While Shylock did want to kill someone, the punishment invoked on him was even worse. As you can see, there are many reasons why "The Merchant of Venice" should be taught in classrooms. A. Whitney Griswold said in a speech (1952), "Books won't stay banned. They won't burn. Ideas won't go to jail. In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost.
Friday, October 11, 2019
India Asean Free Trade Agreement
INDIAN-ASEAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT A TERM PAPER SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (HONOURS SCHOOL) Supervisor :Submitted by: Dr. Rajesh KumarKumar Ranjan M. S. Sc. (Hons. ) 2nd Semester Roll No. 12 [pic] SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES GURU NANAK DEV UNIVERSITY AMRITSAR 2009 INTRODUCTION India and the association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) have concluded negotiations for a free trade Agreement (FTA) after years of difficult negotiations. This agreement will be signed into a treaty at India-ASEAN summit to be held in Bangkok on February 26,2009 (Economic times, January 27, 2009) if every thing goes as planned. Expectation from India ASEAN FTA are high. Joint Media statement of Sixth ASEAM Economic Minister (AEM)-India consultations states that â€Å"the AIFTA (ASEAN-India free trade agreement) could be major avenue in harnessing the region’s vast economic potentials towards sustained progress and improved welfare not only for ASEAN and India but for greater East Asian regions as well†. The India-ASEAN FTA is the result of many international and domestic factors on one hand, the trend of international regionalization and the proliferation of FTA’s and the failure of the Doha round of Multilateral talks to yield concrete results led both India and the ASEAN countries to consider alternative solution towards free trade. On the other hand the adoption policies by India and ASEAN to develop better cooperation with their immediate neighbours in recent years has helped accelerate this negotiation. (www. e_pao. net) INDIA AND ASEAN: HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Although India and ASEAN countries have shared cultural and historical ties, India’s interaction with ASEAN countries was quite limited during the cold war as the two pursued policies which were not very conducive to deep rooted interaction. Soon after the end of second world war, India championed the process of decolonization and drew recognition and appreciation from different parts of the world. It become one of the founding members of Non-aligned Movement (NAM). Even though Indonesia was also a member of NAM alongside India, this relationship did not extend beyond that (Sinha, 2007 pg. 357) The arrival of bipolar politics in southeast Asia, the Vietnam crisis and India’s close ties with the Soviet union led to the adoption of divergent policies by both India and ASEAN. ASEAN was formed in 1967 during the Vietnam war primarily to diffuse regional conflict and to promote better relations between members. Communists victory in Vietnam, Laos and combodia soon worsened the already fragile security situation of southeast Asia. Thus by 1976, ASEAN was forced to contemplate to become an association with security as its main concern. The reunification of veitnam and the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia created another security dilemma. Sinha, 2007 pg. 350). While ASEAN chastised Vietnam, India supported Vietnam. ASEAN’s suspicions of the soviet union and the paronoia it had with anything communist led many including India, to regard ASEAN as allies of the capitalists and pro-American bloc. Suspicions was so high during this time that refused to hold dialogues with A SEAN twice in 1975 and 1980. But with end of the cold war, interactions between India and ASEAN became more frequent: and relations between the two began to improve at very fast pace. Following the end of cold war and collapse of soviet union, India began to adopt liberalization policies. Mean while, ASEAN has also emerged as an important regional organization with great potential and opportunities for growth. The transformation of the international system and new outlook led to the adoption of the Look East policy in 1991, it marked a strategic shift in its foreign policy and perceptions towards its eastern neighbours. ASEAN’s strategic importance in the larger Asia-Pacific region and the potentials it has in becoming India’s major partner in trade and investment also added an impetus to India to develop closer ties with it. In addition, considering the proposed South Asian Free Tade Area (SAFTA) is unlikely to produce any solid outcome, this policy shift and agreement on the part of India is a strategic s it is important. In continuance of India’s Look East policy, the process of interregional cooperation was institutionalized with India becoming a sectoral Dialogue partner of ASEAN in 1992; a full dialogue partner in 1995 and member of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) in 1996. India because a summit level partner of ASEAN in 2002 and concluded the ASEAN-India partnership for peace, progress and shared prosperity in 2004. India also became enganged in regional initiatives such as Mekong-guga cooperation (MGC) and Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic cooperation (BIMSTEC). India has also became member of EAST Asia Summit (EAS) in December, 2005, (Chakraborti, World Focus, 2008, 436). INDIA’S LOOK BEST, ASEAN LOOK WEST POLICIES The real turning point in India-ASEAN relations came with economic liberalization in 1991, the end of the cold war and enunciation of India’s â€Å"Look East†policy by Prime Minister PV Narsimha Rao. As publication of Indian ministry of external affairs observed. â€Å"There was confluence of nterests. A new world order, the economic Reforms in India along with its â€Å"Look East†policy, coincided with ASEAN’s â€Å"Look West†and regionalization drive. (Baru, February 2001 pg. 13. ) Under the â€Å"Look East†policy pursued increased trade and investment cooperation with South Korea and Singapore. Apart from extending India’s enduring relation with Vietnam, the policy also pursued greater economic relations with Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. India became a ‘Sectoral Dialogue Partner’ of ASEAN at the ASEAN’s Singapore, summit in 1992, and a ‘Full Dialogue partner’ of ASEAN at the Bangkok Summit in 1995. In February 1995 the ASEAN-Indian Business council was set up. India was invited to the meeting of ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) in July, 1996. At this it was decided that ARF would only admit as participants countries that have a direct influence on the peace and security of East Asia and pacific region. (Baru, 2001; pg 13). A key objective of India and ASEAN to move from derivative to direct relationship so that there are no distortions, no misperception, no ignorance and no intermediation. There has been doubling of trade between India and ASEAN countries in 1990s and a marked increased in joint ventures and foreign direct investment between the two. Section VI and VII provide a comprehensive account of India-ASEAN trade and investment relation. Suffice it to say that ASEAN has emerged as the third largest foreign investor in India’s after US and EU. There are two dimensions of India’s new relationship with ASEAN. First, the trade and investment dimensions; second, the foreign policy and strategic dimension. Neither of these relations has equal value to all the ASEAN countries clearly, India’s economic relations with some are more developed than with others. Similarly India’s political and strategic relation with some are more developed than with others. Suffice it to say that in no case is the relationship purely undimensional (Baru, 2001, pg 14) DEEPENING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INDIA AND ASEAN The deepening of relationship between India and ASEAN is reflected in the buoyancy of trade figures between the two. During April-September 2007-2008, trade grew from US$ 15. 06 billion to US$ 17. 2 billion that is trade grew by 13 percent. India foreign trade with ASEAN, according to directorate General of commercial intelligence and statistics (DGCIS), is also on the rise. During the period 2005-06 to 2006-07 India’s export to ASEAN registered a growth rate of 20. 67 percent. Similarly India’s imports from ASEAN during the same period registered a growth rate of 66% In dia ASEAN trade stoo at US$ 38. 37 billion in 2007-08 and is projected to reach US$ 48 billion during 2008-09 (Economics times, Jan 10). At the first India-ASEAN summit held at Phnom Penh on November 5, 2001. India called for an India-ASEAN within a 10 year time frame. In this context the second India-ASEAN summit held at Bali on October 8, 2003 was significant landmark in India-ASEAN relations. The summit saw the signing of the framework agreement for comprehensive economic cooperation between India and ASEAN. This agreement envisaged the establishment of an FTA within a period of ten years. In March 2004, an ASEAN-India Trade Negotiation committee (Al-TNC) was established to Negotiate the implementation of the provisions of the framework agreement. India, since than entered into numerous agreement with ASEAN. (Sharma, Third concept vol 21, pg 9,10) At the Sixth India- ASEAN summit held at Singapore on November last year, India proposed to increase its bilateral trade with ASEAN to the time of US$ 50 billion by the year 2010. The latest agreement is therefore the result of many years of tactfull policies that led to the thawing of the ice between these two important emerging power in Asia. In addition to these agreements with ASEAN, India has also made consistent efforts to develop bilateral ties with ASEAN members. With Thailand, India has 61 years of diplomatic relation. India also has free trade agreement with Thailand that was signed in 2004. The framework agreement on bilaterals FTA of 2003 was the basis of this FTA with Thailand. Trade b/w the two increased from a mere US $ 606 million to US$ 3. 14 billion in 2006-07. With the CLV countries Cambodia, Laso and Vietnam, India entered into a number of bilateral agreements for cooperation in the fields of trade, science and technology, agriculture, defence, visa exemption, tourism, IT and culture. India has major projects I in the projects in the field of education entrepreneurship development and IT in these three countries. In 2004, India extended a credit line of US$ 27 million to Vietnam. Malaysia is a major source of foreign direct investment (FDI) for India, particularly in the areas of LPG, power plant and highway construction. Trade between the two rose from US$ 2. 2 billion in 2002-03 to US$ 6. 6 billion in 2006-07. India public sector undertaking such as BHEL and IRCON have also undertaken and completed a number of projects in Malaysia (www. _pao. net). Presently after India-ASEAN FTA negotiations, it is reported that about 150 Indian Engineering firms are eying to diversify their export base in ASEAN markets and are planning to make Malaysia the Regional hub to penetrate the region. Many of these companies are exploring the possibilities of joint ventures, technology transfer and investment opportunities. It was mainly because of the insistence of Indonesia that Ind ia became a part of the East Asia summit in 2005. Relations between the two had been very good for many years. Bilateral trade between the two increased by 44% from 2005-06 to 2006-07. India has a comprehensive Economic cooperation agreement (CECA) with Singapore since 2005. This agreement include bilateral investment promotion treaty. Double taxation avoidance agreement, an air service agreement and an FTA. Singapore, along with Indonesia had been an important factor for India’s inclusion into the East Asian summit. In addition, it was Singapore’s role that paved the way for India’s association with the ARF. Singapore is the biggest source of FDI for India among ASEAN countries. During the period 2000to 2008, the cumulative FDI of Singapore into India was worth a whooping US $ 4. 35 billion. Concurrently, over two thousand Indian companies were based in Singapore (www. e_pao. net) India also has plans for a free trade area with Brunie, Indonesia and Malaysia by 2011 and with the remaining ASEAN countries by 2016. Since 1995, India have actively engaged Myanmar in Trade. It has singed several agreements and MOU’s including Tripartite Maritime Agreement with Myanmar and Thailand, border trade Agreement and for cooperation between civilian uthorities between India and Myanmar. Since 2000, a number of high level visits have taken place. During these visits, several agreements and MOU’s have been signed in areas ranging from hydroelectric projects on the Chindwin River and IT cooperation to cultural exchange programs. In year 2003 alone, Seven Agreements/ MOU’s were signed to promote trade and communication facilities. By 2006-07 bilateral tr ade between India and Myanmar reached US$ 650 Million as compared to US$ 341. 40 million in 2004-05 (www. e_pao. net). RECENTLY CONCLUDED FREE TRADE AGREEMENT BETWEEN INDIA AND ASEAN India is in process of signing a free trade agreement (FTA) with ASEAN. On 28 August 2008, India ASEAN concluded a trade in goods agreement which will operationalize the FTA in merchandize trade. They will formally signing this TIG agreement in ASEAN-Indian Summit now to be held on 26 Feb 2009. (Economic times, 27 Jan 2009). When India and ASEAN Kicked off Negotiation on the bilateral FTA in 2002, they were supposed to finalise a comprehensive agreement that covers goods, service and investment. However, regional grouping prevailed in India to conclude talks on goods, first and than move on to service and Investment. However signing of TIG Agreement was delayed as the negotiation got stuck a few times due to difference between parties on the coverage of the negative list. In free trade agreement countries are allowed to keep a small number of products out of coverage of the agreement. The issue of the negative list or the list of items that would be excluded from proposed FTA agreement had at one stage brought negotiations to a stands till. The items on the list would have limited or no tariff concession. Indian negotiaters were cautious as there were apprehensions that the ASEAN countries are more competitive in sectors like agriculture, textile, auto and auto components and electronics. India would face negative consequence unless sensitive items in these sectors are protected India submitted a list of aground 1414 products as a negative list. These products counted for 42% of total exports of ASEAN to India. But as the Negotiations from ASEAN insisted that the products include in the FTA, should cover at least 90% of exports to India, a pruning of negative list was done by Rao, Inderjit Singh, (India’s Deputy Minister for Defence). He reduced the number of items to be placed on a negative list from 1414 to 850 on 27 July 2006. In August 2006 These items were further reduced to 560 items. At the end it was decided that each signatory country of INDO-ASEAN FTA can have at most 489 products in its negative list provided that these products do not exceed more than 5% of total bilateral imports. India’s negative list includes 302 agriculture items, 81 items from textile and clothing, 52 items from machinery and auto and 32 items from chemicals and fertilizer plastics. There are 22 other items from various other sectors which are also part of negative list (Thakurta, South Asian Journal, 2007, 107-108). It has been decided in Negotiation that for products which are not in negative list duties will be reduced in phased manger starting from 2009 and the duty cut will be completed by 2018. Under the pact, India and ASEAN will eliminate import duties on 71% products by December 31, 2012 and another 9% by 2015. Duties on 8-10% products that have been kept in the sensitive list will also be brought down to 5%. For all product in non negative list duty will be reduced to zero by 2018. India has also identified 611 products, which will only get a partial duty cut. Among these products India has put five products on highly sensitive list. They are Tea, Coffee, pepper, palm oil and refined palm oil (The Economic Challenger, 2008). India stances during the negotiations indicates some what defensive position in goods sector. This is not surprising because India runs a fairly large trade deficits vis-a-vis ASEAN. Acc to data of Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) published by IMF, India had a trade deficit of $ 14,562 million in 2007 with ASEAN. This is around 15% of India’s total trade deficits. Fore individual ASEAN members, India Trade Pattern show that for the last 10 years (1998-2007) it has a trade deficit each year with Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Myanmar. India runs a trade surplus with other ASEAN member including Vietnam and Philippines (TABLE 1). Table 1: India’s Trade surplus/Deficits with ASEAN Member countries (in million $) |1998 |1999 |2000 |2001 |2002 |2003 |2004 |2005 |2006 |2007 | |Brunei Daressalam |3. 05 |1. 73 |2. 63 |2. 90 |3. 72 |4. 22 |4. 31 |32. 64 |40. 34 |50. 07 | |Cambodia |2. 85 |6. 60 |6. 88 |2. 48 |16. 97 |18. 55 |17. 10 |21. 68 |24. 43 |30. 32 |Indonesia |-556. 28 |-635. 64 |-536. 55 |-717. 28 |-541. 06 |-883. 68 |-1160. 84 |-1492. 88 |-2450. 39 |-3975. 02 | |Laos |0. 98 |1. 35 |5. 00 |5. 52 |1. 84 |0. 59 |2. 00 |1. 59 |5. 68 |7. 05 | |Malaysia |-1137. 28 |-1504. 35 |-820. 68 |-1032. 57 |-627. 00 |-1044. 68 |-1206. 95 |-1231. 50 |-4429. 51 |-4599. 52 | |Myanmar |-151. 45 |-139. 05 |-131. 31 |-144. 76 |-274. 11 |-304. 77 |-295. 35 |-383. 30 |-473. 73 |-587. 90 | |Philippines |113. 80 |85. 83 |126. 53 |147. 41 |299. 41 |236. 62 |208. 86 |272. 87 |233. 00 |176. 98 | |Singapore |-754. 57 |-862. 95 |-655. 53 |-2001. 17 |-92. 87 |26. 29 |919. 87 |209. 5 |-4000. 42 |-5664. 81 | |Thailand |63. 60 |103. 33 |174. 60 |81. 65 |301. 66 |250. 02 |72. 60 |95. 74 |-513. 20 |-1035. 06 | |Vietnam |116. 70 |136. 25 |195. 85 |157. 36 |280. 97 |356. 22 |427. 08 |534. 92 |648. 69 |1035. 88 | |Overall trade deficits |-2298. 61 |-2806. 93 |-1632. 41 |-3498. 46 |-630. 45 |-1340. 29 |-1011. 32 |-244. 77 |-10915. 11 |-14562. 02 | | Source: – (EPW, 15 Nov 2008) However, overall trade balance is significantly negative. The concern is that if India has already such a huge trade deficit, reduction of tariff rates may worsen the situation unless there is a significant export boost. Among ASEAN members, India already has preferential trade agreement with Thailand Myanmar and Singapore. India, Myanmar and Thailand are part of the Bay of Bengal Institute for multi sectoral technical and economic cooperation (BIMSTEC) which is now knows as Bangladehs, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand economic cooperation (BIMSTEC) (Thakurata, South Asian Journal No. 16, pg 108). India also has a seprate FTA with Thailand. India and Singapore have signed a comprehensive Economic cooperation agreement (CECA) few years back. Though the terms and tariff reduction conditions of these agreements may be different from the present agreement but still it can be assumed that the marginal impact of Indo-ASEAN FTA will be less for these three ASEAN countries (i. e. Myanmar, Thailand and Singapore). Among other ASEAN members, India has significant trade with Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines. Though the current volume of trade with Vietnam is low, Vietnam is one of the fastest growing countries in the world and trade potential between India and Vietnam is considered to be significant. Nityanand Deva, India’s look-East policy, www. indianmba. com/occasional_papers/ OP104/ OP104html. HOW TARIFF PROFILE EFFECTS FTA? Tariff reduction, especially of custom duties on imports of Agricultural commodities, is an extremely sensitive issue in India. Till India initiated economic reforms in 1991, the peak custom duty rate used to be as high as 150 percent. (Thakurata, South Asian Journal, pg 110). One assumed that In dia will have some advantage in the ASEAN market because of tariff margin given TIG agreement. The India-Asean pact on goods trade will result in the signatory countries abolishing customs tariffs on 80% of goods including key raw material like Iron ore and aluminum, plastic goods and certain kinds of machinery. The deal is likely to be operational from January 2009 when the signatories to the pact will begin cutting import tariff in phased manner, import duties on normal goods will be reduced to zero over a period of six years and on items in the sensitive list will have a partial tariff reduction over longer period of time. (The Economic challenger, pg 18). It look six long years for the two sides to conclude the negotiation of ROO’s (Rules of origin). ROO means that goods exported from certain destination must have a minimum value addition in the country of origin of proportion specified. India has reportedly agreed to have 35 percent value addition and changes in tariff at level of sub heading whereas in case of bilateral arrangements with individual countries like Thailand and Singapore, the rules specify 40% value addition and tariff changes at the level of headings. ROO’s are major reason why negotiations between India and Thailand over expansion of items in FTA list are stalled. New Delhi fears that further relaxation of ROO’s could lead to imports for third world via Thailand that would, in turn, antagonize Indian industry. (www. bilaterals. org/article. php3? id_artilce=13650) India lowered its duties on crude palm oil (CPO) and refined palm oil to 37. 5 and 45% (against 80%) respectively. It has also agreed to lower duties on coffee and tea to 45% and pepper to 50% (against 100%). Under the pact India-ASEAN will eliminate import duties on 71% products by December 31, 2012 and another 9% by 2015. Duties on 8-10% products that have been kept in the sensitive list will also be brought down to 5%. India will keep 489 items in negative list of products to be excluded from tariff reduction commitments. Tariff rates in manufacturing goods in India is high whereas in major ASEAN countries are quite low. Therefore India is unlikely to get too much advantage because of tariff preference (The Economic Challenger, vol41, pg 18). On the other hand, the FTA is likely to allow the ASEAN countries to take advantage of the large gap between high Indian applied tariff rates and the preferential rates. It is expected that agreement will open up considerable market for ASEAN countries in Agriculture, electronics, motor car equipment and other light manufacturing goods in India. This way negatively affect domestic farmer in agriculture and small and medium enterprises in light manufacturing including textile in India. There are reports that Asian development bank to contribute to a fund to help compensate industries that likely to be hit by Indo-Asean free trade agreement (Dasgupta and PAL, EPW Nov, 15, 2008). WHAT ARE EFFECTS OF SERVICE TRADE ON FTA The crux of welfare gains from India ASEAN market integration does not rest on free trade in goods, but on free flow of service and investment. That is India’s service industries-IT services, design services and call operators-have long been a hub or source of outsourcing and off shoring from develop economies especially United States and the European Union. The India-ASEAN FTA that successfully liberalises trade in service and investment will therefore provide economic opportunities companies in ASEAN countries to strengthen their competitiveness in global market by fragmenting their production and establishing industrial clusters. www. bilaterals. org/article/phg3? id_article=13650). A treaty which involves services will be extremely important for India also because India sees a big market for its services export in ASEAN. India presently is one of top exporters of services and according to WTO data it is ranked 10th in the world ahead of ASEAN countries like Singapore (rank ed 16th), Thailand (ranked 27th) and Malaysia (ranked 20th). In 2006 reports of services from India were around $74 billion. India is particularly strong in Information technology enables services (ITES), professional services, telecommunication services, health care, financial services and distribution services. ASEAN is also big market for service imports. It is not importer of services and according to WTO (2007), total imports of service by ASEAN members was close to $ 150 billion in 2006. To put this figure in perspective, US imports of services was around $ 300 billion in the same year. ASEAN also has a major export interest in some services sector. Tourism in one of the most important services trade for ASEAN countries. Apart from that they are major exporter of air transport, construction, logistics insurance and financial services. (Dasgupta and PAL, EPW Nov 15, 2008). When India and ASEAN kicked off negotiations on the bilateral FTA in 2002, they were supposed to finalize a comprehensive agreement that covers good, service and investment. However, regional grouping prevailed on India to conclude talks on goods first and then move on to services and investment. India’s trade with the ASEAN, its fourth largest trading partner after the EU, US and China has been growing at a compound annual growth rate of 27%. Bilateral trade stood at 38. 37 billion in 2007-08 and is project to reach $ 48 billion in 2008-09. The agreement on services allow Indian service providers to access the ASEAN Market and set up operation there. The investment agreement in expected to work both ways in terms of attracting FDI from ASEAN member, especially Singapore and Malaysia, and providing opportunity to Indian companies in sectors like pharmaceuticals, coal mining and automobiles to invest in ASEAN region (Economic times, Jan 10, 2008). For a major region which has liberal policies for merchandise trade, services trade in ASEAN in highly regulated. As Karmakar (2005) points out, services trade in ASEAN in highly regulated for foreign suppliers but the restrictions are also there for intra ASEAN, trade. Efforts are being made to gradually integrate service trade among ASEAN members. The ASEAN Framework agreement on services (AFAS) provide broad framework to achieve this. The target is to make ASEAN a single market and production base through free flow of goods, services, investment, skilled labour and free flow of capital by 2015 (Dasgupta and Pal, EPW Nov 15, 2008). HOW ENERGY SECURITY HELPFUL TO FTA? Apart from other items, closer economic and political ties with ASEAN are likely to held India’s quest for energy security. Indian position on global civilian nuclear cooperation received a boost as the 16 leader’s of ASEAN and its dialogue partner signed what was described as landmark declaration on Energy security at the second East-Asia summit. The Cebu Declaration on Energy security was signed by leaders of East Asia summit-an evolving regional forum that includes the ASEAN and six dialogue partners (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand). The declaration calls for reducing dependence on hydrocarbons and fossil fuel in the context of surging global crube oil prices and seeks to intensify the search for new and renewable energy resources and technologies with focus on civil nuclear power and biofuels (Thakurata, South Asian Journal No 16, pg 107). India is heavily dependent on west Asia for oil imports, which is geopolitically tense part of the world. India is currently the world’s sixth largest energy consumer, and third largest oil and gas consumer in Asia after China and Japan. For India oil imports account for about 72% of total oil consumption of which 67% is being sourced from west Asia. Hence on external front India is pursuing diversification of supply sources and trying to significantly increase exploration of oil and gas. Among the ASEAN countries, India at present import crude oil from Malaysia and Brunei, which contributes 5. % of its total oil from Malaysia which comprises just 3. 5% of its total LPG import on the other hand, among the ASEAN countries, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam have about 1% of total world’s proven oil reserves and 3% of the world’s proven gas reserves (Dasgupta and Pal, EPW Nov 15, 2008). CONCLUSION To conclude it can be said that the Indo ASEAN trade in goods agreement may not be beneficial for trade in short run but it can be thought of as a part of long runs strategy to improve India’s economic, and strategic presence in the neighbourhood. Though India shares a land border with Myanmar and maritime border with Indonesia and Thailand, the ASEAN countries has never been economically very close to India. In fact India and the ASEAN countries are not considered natural trading partners. This is indirect contrast to China which was established a distributed regional network of production and trade in this region. The Indo-ASEAN FTA can be perceived as an intial step towards increased economic integration of India with South east Asia. From a broader perspective, the Indo-ASEAN FTA can also be viewed as other cog in the wheel of increasing South-south cooperation. This is important because the world economic system is presently going through some significant changes. On the one hand there is severe economic showdown and major financial problem in the developed world. On the other hand there is talk of developing countries like China and India emerging as driver of southern economic growth. Though the impact of China on other developing countries is much stronger. India can play a complementary role. While China provides a big market for exports, via a manufacturing supply chain for other Asian countries, India can potentially become a hub of services-led growth. If India aspires to play a prominent role in global economy and Governance, increased cooperation with ASEAN make a sense as a strategic move. BIBLIOGRAPHY Baru, Sanjay, â€Å"India and ASEAN: The Emerging States Relationship Towards a Bay of Bengal community†. Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relation, February, 2001. Chakraboti, Tribdib, â€Å"India and Indo China states in the 21st century; Challenges and opportunities†World Focus Vol 347-348; Nov-Dec 2008. Dasgupta and Pal, â€Å"Does a Free Trade Agreement with ASEAN make sense†Economic and Political weekly. Nov 15, 2008, Economic Times, January 27, 2009. Joseph and Parayil, â€Å"India-ASEAN cooperation in Information and Communication Technology: Issues and Prospects: RIS Discussion paper (www. ries. org. in) Sharma, Madan Lal, â€Å"India ASEAN Relation†; Third Concept Dec 2007, Vol 21. No 250. Sinha, Prabha Chandra, Handbook of ASEAN and Regional Cooperation. 2th Summit and beyond 2007. Takhurata, â€Å"India’s free Trade Agreement with ASEAN†South Asian Journal, April June 2007, NO. 16. â€Å"The Free Trade Agreement with ASEAN†. The Economic Challenger 2008, No 11, issue 11. WEBSITES www. aseansec. org/4920. htm. www. artilcebase. com/politics_articles www. bilateral. org/rubrique. php3? id_r ubriqu+159,13650,12959 www. econoimctimes. com www. e_pao. net/epsubpageextracts. asp? src=education. scientificpapersIndia-ASEANFTA. www. heindia_au. org/pr_072. html. www. indianmba. com/occasional_papers/OP104. op104. html
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