Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Motivational Techniques Free Essays
Motivationals strategies in Switzerland MOTIVATIONAL METHODS THAT ARE MOST EFFECTIVE IN EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION Robert Gordon University †Business and Hotel Management School BA Hotel and Hospitality Management Course BS 3149 Research Methods for Business Students Module organizer: Ms Heather Robinson Submission date: ninth April 2013 Student ID No. : 1219453 Word Count: 2008 1. Point: Motivational strategies that are best in cordiality worker inspiration 2. We will compose a custom paper test on Inspirational Techniques or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now QUESTION: What are the best strategies to persuade café representatives in Switzerland? . ARTICLES ANKLI, R. E. , PALLIAM, R. , (2012). Empowering a spurred workforce: investigating the wellsprings of inspiration. Advancement and Learning in Organizations, 26(2), pp. 7 †10 BASSETT-JONES, N. , LLOYD, G. C. , (2005). Does Herzberg’s inspiration hypothesis have resilience?. Diary of Management Development, 24(10), pp. 929 †943 ESKILDSEN, J. K. , KRISTENSEN, K. , and WESTLUND, A. H. , (2004). Work inspiration and employment fulfillment in the Nordic nations. Representative Relations, 26(2), pp. 122 †136 LEE-ROSS, D. , (2005). Seen work qualities and inside work inspiration: An exploratory culturally diverse investigation of the persuasive predecessors of lodging laborers in Mauritius and Australia. Diary of Management Development, 24(3), 253 †266. STAMOV-ROSSNAGEL, C. , and HERTEL, G. , (2010). More seasoned workers’ inspiration: against the fantasy of general decrease. The board Decision, 48(6), 894 †906. WHEELER, A. R. , BUCKLEY, M. R. , (2001). Analyzing the inspiration procedure of brief representatives: An all encompassing model and exploration system. Diary of Managerial Psychology, 16(5), pp. 339 †354. Different SOURCES HERZBERG, F. , MAUSNER, B. , and SNYDERMAN, B. B. , 1959. Inspiration to work. New York: Transaction Publishers. 4. Method of reasoning The scientist accepts that the subject chose is noteworthy for the café and cordiality industry today and assumes a key job in expanding benefit as propelling the workforce would additionally help in better assistance, food quality and even capacity to hold clients in a specific way. As indicated by Stamov-Rossnagel and Hertel (2010), the persuasive variables relies upon a significant wide scope of potential outcomes, anyway one of them incorporate the workplace, peers and the need to contend with the achievements of another specialist in a similar substance. These laborers are roused when they have the best possible gear wanted for playing out a particular errand and are consistently refreshed with the most recent hardware which would help them in their assignments at work. At the point when these laborers feel that they are being checked and are thought about by giving the gear, legitimate working conditions, they definitely want to perform better and are spurred. In any case, once in a while, the scope of errands in a vocation may not be as inspiring as the specific assignment that the laborer is keen on. Observing these errands which rouse a specialist ought to be explicitly appointed to them to improve profitability. Supervisors should constrain and maintain a strategic distance from the utilization of any kind of social or moral foundation about a representative while attempting to pass judgment on the work or inspiring him (Lee-Ross, 2005). Different western organizations watched and rehearsed the methodology of participative administration and style of work which included the choices and perspectives on each specialist, which would by implication rise their regard and persuade them. Yielding and obligation are two profoundly significant inspirations. People additionally have individual objectives and in the event that they are like those of the venture, at that point inspiration is a straightforward procedure. In any case, recognizing the points and objectives of representatives is obligatory to interface it in a manner to that of the association and exceed expectations in incomes and market profitability. These people could raise a few inventive procedures and thoughts, particularly when they are at the prime of inspiration level. Henceforth, the objectives and points of people matter to a great extent in an endeavor for it to quicken in the market. Transitory representatives are an exceptionally regular pattern in today’s period where colossal worldwide and privately owned businesses worker them explicitly for diminishing expense and having the option to control the calendar of the low maintenance or brief workers (Wheeler and Buckley, 2001). Be that as it may, numerous privately owned businesses worker brief representatives and are anticipating that them should be persuaded for the activity. The all day laborers likewise lose enthusiasm for clarifying the low maintenance laborers about the work process and the significance of following a deliberate way to deal with each strategy and thus, the transitory specialists don't want to perform better and quicken in their position. The brief laborers are kept separated from the significant choices being taken in the association and are detached, particularly in MNC’s, for example, McDonald’s Burger King and different diverse drive-through joints. Be that as it may, this additionally suggests to certain other easygoing cafés which utilizes assistants and other low maintenance laborers who too are not spurred enough to invest their amounts of energy into the endeavor. The specialist investigated the writing and recognized the accompanying barely any preferences of persuading individuals: 1. Makes an eager workforce 2. Empowers the chance to determine any showdown in no time and lift staff resolve 3. Expands income of the café . Takes out the need of checking staff According to Eskildsen, Kristensen, and Westlund, (2004) ladies are more fulfilled than men in regards to work fulfillment, representatives with more elevated level of training need not really be increasingly fulfilled, yet at time could even outcome to be the opposite. Be that as it may, instruction level doesn't affect natural elements, though administrative situated laborers are progressively happy with their employments. The Herzberg hypothesis expresses that the persuasive variables are partitioned into two primary parts, the main known as the cleanliness factors which are identified with compensation, working conditions and collaboration while the last is identified with inspirational methods (Bassett-Jones and Lloyd, 2005). Persuasive methods depend exclusively on 3 main considerations, capacity to work out, chance to practice and criticism to self. These are clarified in the book by Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman (1959) which portray the cleanliness factors offered by the business basically as ‘KITA’ or kick in the ass, which doesn't rouse one yet rather compromises them to work more enthusiastically as it were. In the event that one have the capacity to perform or has an aptitude, for example, correspondence, administration, cooking and so on he/she will expect to accomplish better objectives throughout everyday life. Nonetheless, if the individual doesn't have the gear and other important intends to rehearse his aptitudes, he won't have the option to perform to the best and would not be roused. This later incorporates an input, which may not generally originate from a more significant position authority yet even from self makes a difference. These are the 3 essential necessities for inspiration and is identified with each industry. 5. Points: The point of this exploration paper is to break down the best method(s) for inspiring eatery representatives in Switzerland. . Goals: To audit past and current techniques for representative inspiration To analyze the distinction between worker inspiration strategies in various eateries in Switzerland To assess the most utilized strategies applied by b osses and their viability 7. Strategy The specialist was energetic about gathering essential information and is looking forward to arrangement a system for conveying between a few eateries in Switzerland in regards to the inspirational procedures broadly utilized inside the café for sponsorship up representatives for additional work. The exploration reasoning surfaced as authenticity as the strategies and procedures are material in the commonsense life and should be investigated by and by for an all the more clear vision. Deductive methodology was the most appropriate style for this sort of examination where the specialist assessed various ideas and speculations set in front of him by various rationalists and clinicians contemplating the territory of inspiration of representatives in an industry and a blend of both subjective and quantitative investigation were both essential in such a venture. Subjective examination held tight the writing and diary articles and will likewise incorporate the reviews spread all through specific cafés in Switzerland, and the analyst would later meeting and question the proprietor of an acclaimed Indian eatery in Zurich, Switzerland which is known for propelling its workers to an exceptionally serious extent and empowering them to screen and deal with an eatery solo. The scientist will disperse a survey among 30 unique representatives of a few eateries in Luzern and in Zurich and furthermore to 3-5 distinctive eatery chiefs for input with respect to the inspirational strategies and procedures plenteous in the region. The examining procedure is non-likelihood, purposive strategy and spotlights on just a specialty of the populace. Ascertaining the outcomes from both the business and representative would develop the extent of exploration and present forward a more ransparent information on inspirational methods applied. The Fredrick Herzberg hypothesis of inspirational and clean factors are very pertinent to this center theme and go inseparably with the thoughts of the analyst. The down to earth world puts stock in cash being an exceptionally overwhelming spark and just as professional stability, working conditions and advantages. The analyst claims it to be bogus and might want to demonstrate it on paper. 8. DRAFT QUESTIONS My name is Ankit Sharma and I am an understudy of Business and Hotel Management School in Luzern, Switzerland. This examination review will give me solid proof towards my task, ‘What are the best strategies to persuade café representatives in Switzerland’ and help me in my Research
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Non Conventional Machine Free Essays
Module 9 Non-traditional machining Version 2 ME, IIT Kharagpur Lesson 36 Ultrasonic Machining (USM) Version 2 ME, IIT Kharagpur Instructional Objectives I. ii. iii. We will compose a custom article test on Non Conventional Machine or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now iv. Portray the essential instrument of material evacuation in USM Identify the procedure parameters of USM Identify the machining attributes of USM Analyze the impact of procedure parameters on material expulsion rate (MRR) v. Create numerical model relating MRR with USM parameters vi. Attract variety MRR with various procedure parameters vii. Distinguish significant parts of USM hardware viii. Express the working standard of USM gear ix. Draw schematically the USM hardware x. Rundown three utilizations of USM xi. Rundown three impediments of USM 1. Presentation Ultrasonic machining is a non-conventional machining process. USM is assembled under the mechanical gathering NTM forms. Fig. 9. 2. 1 quickly portrays the USM procedure. Power, F Slurry of rough and water Horn Vibration recurrence f ~ 19 †25 kHz Amplitude, a ~ 10 †50 ? m Tool Work Fig. 9. 2. 1 The USM procedure In ultrasonic machining, a device of wanted shape vibrates at a ultrasonic recurrence (19 ~ 25 kHz) with an adequacy of around 15 †50 ? over the workpiece. By and large the instrument is squeezed descending with a feed power, F. Between the apparatus and workpiece, the machining zone is overflowed with hard grating particles for the most part as a water based slurry. As the apparatus vibrates over the workpiece, the grating particles go about as the indenters and indent both the work material and the device. The rough particles, as they i ndent, the work material, would evacuate the equivalent, especially if the work material is fragile, because of break commencement, spread and weak crack of the Version 2 ME, IIT Kharagpur aterial. Consequently, USM is for the most part utilized for machining fragile materials {which are poor conduits of power and in this way can't be prepared by Electrochemical and Electro-release machining (ECM and ED)}. 2. Components of Material Removal in USM and its demonstrating As has been referenced before, USM is commonly utilized for machining fragile work material. Material expulsion fundamentally happens because of the space of the hard rough corn meal on the weak work material. As the apparatus vibrates, it prompts space of the grating corn meal. During space, because of Hertzian contact stresses, breaks would grow just beneath the contact site, at that point as space advances the splits would proliferate because of increment in stress and at last lead to weak crack of the work material under every individual collaboration site between the rough corn meal and the workpiece. The instrument material ought to be with the end goal that space by the grating corn meal doesn't prompt fragile disappointment. In this manner the instruments are made of intense, solid and pliable materials like steel, tempered steel and other malleable metallic combinations. Other than this weak disappointment of the work material because of space some material evacuation may happen because of free streaming effect of the abrasives against the work material and related strong effect disintegration, yet it is evaluated to be somewhat unimportant. Along these lines, in the present model, material expulsion would be expected to happen just because of effect of abrasives among instrument and workpiece, trailed by space and fragile crack of the workpiece. The model considers the misshapening of the device. In the present model, all the abrasives are viewed as indistinguishable fit as a fiddle and size. A grating molecule is viewed as circular however with neighborhood round lumps as appeared in Fig. 9. 2. 2. The rough particles are described by the normal coarseness distance across, dg. It is additionally expected that the neighborhood circular lumps have a uniform measurement, db and which is identified with the coarseness distance across by db = ? dg2. Subsequently a grating is portrayed by ? what's more, dg. db dg Fig. 9. 2. 2 Schematic portrayal of rough coarseness Version 2 ME, IIT Kharagpur During space by the grating coarseness onto the workpiece and the apparatus, the nearby circular lumps contact the surfaces and the space procedure is portrayed by db instead of by dg. Fig. 9. 2. 3 shows the collaboration between the rough coarseness and the workpiece and apparatus. Apparatus db grating coarseness db Work A B db 2x C D ?w Hemispherical material expelled because of fragile Fig. 9. 2. 3 Interaction among coarseness and workpiece and device As the space continues, the contact zone between the rough coarseness and workpiece is set up and the equivalent develops. The contact zone is roundabout in nature and is described by its measurement ‘2x’. At full space, the space profundity in the work material is described by ? w. Because of the space, as the work material is fragile, weak break happens prompting hemi-round crack of breadth ‘2x’ under the contact zone. Hence material expulsion per grating coarseness is given as 2 ? w = ? x 3 Now from Fig. 9. 2. 3 AB 2 = AC 2 + BC 2 ? db ? ?d ? ? ? = ? b ? ? w ? + x2 ? 2 ? ? 2 ? 2 x = db? w ignoring ? w2 as ? w Step by step instructions to refer to Non Conventional Machine, Papers
Friday, August 14, 2020
Mindfulness Health Benefits Beyond Stress Relief
Mindfulness Health Benefits Beyond Stress Relief Meditation Print Mindfulness: Health Benefits Beyond Stress Relief A Powerful Tool for Positive Change By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on October 01, 2018 How Stress Impacts Your Health Overview Signs of Burnout Stress and Weight Gain Benefits of Exercise Stress Reduction Tips Self-Care Practices Mindful Living Tony Anderson/Getty Images Is constant worry about the future or the past creating stress beyond the existing stress you face in your life? There are many ways to manage the specific problems you face, but if you are experiencing stress about the stress you face in life, it might be time to begin a mindfulness practice and come back to the here and now. This simple exercise has been proven to help people with a variety of emotional issues, is a powerful tool for positive change and can be used to significantly reduce your level of stress. What Is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of becoming more fully aware of the present momentâ€" non-judgmentally and completely â€" rather than dwelling in the past or projecting into the future. It generally involves a heightened awareness of sensory stimuli (really noticing your breathing, feeling the sensations of your body, etc.) and being in the now. Anyone with any belief system can enjoy the benefits of mindfulness. While mindfulness has origins in Eastern philosophy and Buddhism, there is no necessary religious component to mindfulness. How Is Mindfulness Attained? Mindfulness can be achieved through meditation, but one can also practice mindfulness through daily living. Simply focusing on the present moment and quieting your inner dialogue can help you attain mindfulness. What Are The Benefits of Mindfulness? As Eastern practices gain more popularity in the West, mindfulness has been paired with cognitive therapy. Early research shows some very promising results. Practicing mindfulness, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) have been found to be helpful with the following: Anxiety Disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)Patients with GAD may experience significant reductions in anxiety and depressive symptoms after a mindfulness-based intervention.DepressionPatients who experienced residual depressive symptoms following a depressive episode experienced a decrease in symptoms and ruminations following a mindfulness-based intervention, with further gains a month later.Relationship IssuesOne study found that people who exhibited greater mindfulness as a personality trait tended to enjoy greater satisfaction in relationships and deal with relationship stress more constructively. Another study found that those who employ mindfulness have a lower stress response during conflict, while the state of mindfulness was associated with better communication during conflicts. Both studies link mindfulness with relationship well-being.Sleep ProblemsCancer patients found a reduction in sleep disturbance and an increase in sleep quality following an 8-wee k MBSR program.Eating DisordersAfter completing an 8-week mindfulness-based treatment program, women with bulimia nervosa reported significant improvements in emotions and behaviors. Many experienced greater self-awareness, acceptance and compassion, among other benefits.Stress ManagementStudies have found mindfulness to be helpful with daily stresses as well as more serious stresses experienced by those with a chronic or life-threatening illness. The practice of mindfulness has been shown to have lasting positive effects with benefits that increase with practice. How Can Mindfulness Be Used To Relieve Stress? Studies show that mindfulness can be helpful in stopping ruminations over things that cause stress; it helps people keep from dwelling on negative thoughts. Mindfulness can also be used to decrease anxiety over the future. It can provide a break from stressful thoughts and allow you to take a mental break and gain perspective, among other things. As mentioned earlier, mindfulness can be achieved most simply through meditation. Regular practice of mindfulness meditation has benefits for your physical as well as your mental health. For those who tend to get antsy during meditation (don’t worry, you’re not alone), there are other ways to ease into the practice of mindfulness. Gardening, listening to music and even cleaning the house can become a practice in mindfulness if you take the right approach. Focus on the present and quiet that voice inside - the one that offers the running commentary on what you’re doing, what you’ve done, and what you will be doing.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
How Faith in God Came to Be - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2706 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/03/22 Category Religion Essay Level High school Tags: Faith Essay Did you like this example? A King named Dashrat ruled, north of the Ganges River, in the city of Ayodhya. He was astute and robust, but still childless. The gods in heaven were greatly agitated by Ravan, the demon King of Lanka. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How Faith in God Came to Be?" essay for you Create order The King turned to Vishnu for aid. King Dasharatha begs to Vishnu, â€Å"Please my lord we need you to incarnate in order to defeat Ravana.†Lord Vishnu knowing the trouble that Ravan has caused, agreed, â€Å"I shall incarnate as one of your sons†Lord Vishnu is the third god to be created in Hinduism and is depicted as having dark blue skin and having four arms. King Dasharatha’s three wives bore four boys: Bharat, Lakshman, Shatrughn, and Ram (in whom Vishnu had incarnated himself). Ram the eldest, of the four princes, was his father’s favorite. Lakshman, since he was a child, was keenly dedicated to his elder brother. He was Ram’s second hand and accomplished all his desires even before they were told. They were trained in all the special arts, as the four princes grew up, and Ram excelled at everything. Janak, one of the king’s advisors, the father of beautiful Sita, was thinking of whom Sita should marry. Janak had announced, â€Å"May the mightiest warrior who can lift this bow can marry my daughter Sita.†(RamRam) Several princes and warriors had tried, almost inconceivably capable to even move it, but when Ram’s chance arrived, his constricted grip snapped the bow in two. Strikingly astonished he gave him his consent to marry his daughter. Dasharath was mind blown, and so the marriage of Ram and Sita was lavishly celebrated. (RamRam) And so Ram lived blissfully with his beloved wife Sita in Ayodhya. Dasharath sensed old age inevitable, so he decided with his advisors to appoint his prized son Ram as King of Ayodhya. (RamRam) When the crippled Queen Kaikeyi had heard of this, she thought to make her own son Bharat to the throne, in place of Ram. The king had gifted her two wishes in the past, when she saved his life, which she had not used yet. Kaikeyi selfishly requests, â€Å" I want Ram banished for seven years and appoint my son Bharat as the King of Ayodhya.†The King was tortured by grief and regret, but when Rama found out, he fragrantly accepted his banishment, so that his father won’t be seen as dishonest and cowardly. (RamaRama) In sorrows, his mother and Lakshman tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted, â€Å"It’s my highest duty to help my father to keep his word.†He informed Sita of his decision, telling her, â€Å"I need you to be kind to Bharat, to live piously and chastely in Ayodhya, and to serve his father and his mothers obediently.†(RamRam) But Sita answered him in an ardent speech on the duties of a woman, enforcing that, â€Å"As a wife, nothing could prevent me from following my husband into exile in the wilderness.†And so, stripped of all the royalty, clothed only in orange silk, the three went off into the wilderness while all of Ayodhya mourned. (RamRam) Bharat the new king, vigorously refuses, that the throne belongs by law to Ram. He vowed that he will stay outside the kingdom stripped of royalty and will rule living in a hut outside the kingdom. Bharat is so devoted to Ram he will live in exile until Ram returns to his righteous position. (RamRam) Meanwhile, Ram, camping in the Chitrakuta hills, is just describing, the beauties of the landscape to Sita. Lakshman spots King Bharat drawing near climbing down from the hill. He throws himself at Ram’s feet and the brothers greet each other. (RamRam) Now Bharat, with tears streaming down his face, reports to Ram the death of his father, and begs him, â€Å" We need you to return and begin your dynasty.†Ram sorely says, â€Å"I could not return to Ayodhya; but that which my father had commanded, I will never depart from my decision to spend seven years in exile.†(RamRam) Ram embraces his weeping brother with an eloquent speech on the inevitability of death, which makes every weep seem unnecessary. (RamRam) Ram gives him his sandals as a symbo l of sovereignty, and Bharat returns to Ayodhya, where Rama’s sandals are solemnly placed on the throne as the representatives of the king. (RamaRama) The exiles had been living in the Dandaka Forest for two years now and the forest hermits living there asked Ram for protection against the demons. Ram promises this protection, and from that time is incessantly engaged in battles against these monsters. The man-eating giant is the first to be killed. This hideous ogre falls in love with Ram and makes amorous proposals to him. Full of rage, she is about to swallow Sita, when Lakshman cuts off her ears and nose. She flees howling to her brother, marches against Rama with 1,000 demons. Ram slays them all with the help of Laksman. (RamRam) The ogre flees to Lanka, a fabulous land beyond the ocean, and incites her frightful brother Ravan to avenge her. At the same time, she describes to him the beauty of Sita in exquisite terms and incites him to gain possession of her and to make her his wife. Propelled by lust and anger, Ravan races off through the air in his golden chariot, across the ocean to where Sita lives. Though Mareecha is a demon, hes trying to live a virtuous life. Ravan threatens Mareech, and Mareech agrees to help abduct Sita. Mareech turns himself into a golden deer and walks near Rams residence. Sita sees the deer and asks Ram to capture it for her as a pet. Ram agrees an d goes to chase the deer, leaving Lakshman to guard Sita. Ram chases the deer for miles before he realizes its a trap. He shoots the deer, but with his dying breath, Mareech impersonates Rama and cries for help from Sita and Lakshana. Sita hears the cry and convinces Lakshman to go help Ram. When Lakshman is gone, Ravan disguises himself as a Brahmin and approaches Sita. Eventually, Ravan is unable to maintain his disguise, and he transforms into his demonic form. Sita cries for help, but Ravan flies away with his golden chariot and carries Sita away. Jatayu, the wise raven, attempts to save Sita, but Ravan chops off his wing. (RamRam) Ram and Lakshman find Jatayu and he relates to them what happened, but dies before he can tell them where Ravan was going with Sita. And the sun itself grew pale, its radiance dimmed, at the sight of Sita being carried away as if lamenting: â€Å"There is no more justice, no truth, no righteousness, no innocence if Ravan steals Sita, the wife of Ram.†(RamRam) But Ravan carried her off across the ocean to Lanka, where he shut her in his harem. Then he conducts her round his palace, shows her all its splendors and describes to her the immeasurable riches and marvels over which the rules. With coaxing words he tried to persuade her to become his wife. But Sita answered indignantly that she would never break faith with Ram by allowing him to embrace her. Enraged, Ravan warned that, if she does not yield herself to him within twelve months, he would enjoy her in another fashion: he would have her cut in pieces by his cooks and he would eat her for breakfast. Then he imprisoned her in a grotto and left her under the strict guard of the ogresses. (RamRam) Meanwhile, Ram and Lakshman returned to find their hut empty. In vain they seek Sita in the forest. In horror, Ram raises a bitter lament, searching vainly in the forest for Sita. He questions the trees, the rivers, the hills, and the animals, but none can give him news of Sita. At last, they find the flowers and ornaments that fell from Sita as she passed; then they come upon the ruins of Ravan’s chariot, his weapons, and the signs of a struggle. Rama fears that Sita has been killed, and in his delirium, he declares his intention of destroying the whole world: He will fill the air with his arrows, stay the wind in its course, annihilate the sun’s rays and envelop the earth in darkness, hurl down the summits of the mountains, dry up the lakes, destroy the ocean, uproot the trees, even destroy the gods themselves if they do not give him back his Sita. At last, Lakshman is able to calm his raving and to continue the search. (RamRam) He hears the lightning rumble to seek help from Sugriv, the monkey. Through their travailing journey through the spring forests, they find Sugriv’s Kingdom. Sugriv is consecrated as king. Among the counselors of Sugriv, Hanuman, the son of the wind-god, and the wisest. Sugriv has the greatest confidence in him and commissions him to find Sita. Accompanied by a army of monkeys, the resourceful Hanuman sets out toward the south. (RamRam) After many adventures, they meet Sampati, a brother of the vulture Jatayus, who tells them, â€Å"I had flown in a race with my brother, and had scorched my wings.†Since then, â€Å"I had been lying helpless in the Vindhya hills, but I have seen Ravan carrying Sita away to Lanka.†He described to them where the Lanka was located, and the monkeys set out for the coast. But when they saw the limitless, billowing sea before them, they despaired of getting across it. (RamRam) After much discussion, it is decided that no one can jump so far as Hanuman can. He then climbs to the top of Mount Mahendra and prepares to leap across the ocean. With a mighty leap, which caused Mahendra Hill to tremble in its depths and terrified all the creatures living on its slopes, the monkey Hanuman rose into the air and flew across the ocean. After a flight of four days, he finally reached Lanka. Fro m a hill, he surveyed the town, which seemed to him impenetrable. He made himself as small as a mouse, and after sunset, crept into the town. He examined the whole city, the palace of Ravan, on which the demon-king used to glide through the air. He also penetrated into Ravan’s harem, where he saw the king reposing in the midst of his beautiful women. After a long search, he, at last, found Sita, wasted by grief, in a tree grove. He makes himself known as a friend and messenger of Ram. (RamRam) She warned him that, â€Å"Ravan has threatened to devour her after two months, and that she will die if Ram does not rescue her before then.†Hanuman assures her that Ram will certainly save her. Then he returns to the hill, flies back across the ocean and recounts everything to the monkeys awaiting him there. Finally, he returns to Ram, bringing him the news and a message from his beloved. Ram praises Hanuman for his success and embraces him, but he despairs of getting across the ocean. Sugriv suggests constructing a bridge to Lanka. Hanuman gives an exact description of Ravan’s palace and its fortification and declares that the best of the monkey-warriors would be able to take it. So Ram commands that the army shall be prepared for the march, and soon the vast army sets out southwards towards the coast. When the news of the approaching army of monkeys had reached Lanka, Ravan summoned his counselors, all great and powerful demons, to a council. Now while all the other relatives and counselors urged Ravan in boasting speeches to fight, Vibhishan, Ravan’s brother, points to unfavorable omens and advises him to return Sita. Ravan is much enraged at this, and accuses him of envy and ill-will; relatives, he says, â€Å"Are always the worst enemies of a king, and hero.†Feeling deeply offended by his brother, Vibhishan renounces him, flies across the ocean with four other demons and allies himself with Ram. On the advice of Vibhishan, Rama appeals to the Ocean-god himself to aid him in crossing th e sea. The latter calls the monkey Nala, the son of the divine master builder Vishvakarman, and instructs him to bridge the ocean. At Ram’s command, the monkeys bring rocks and trees. In a few days, a bridge is built over the ocean, and the whole of the great army passes over to Lanka. Now Ravan’s town is surrounded by the army of monkeys. Ravan gives the command for a general sortie. A battle takes place, also many cases of single combat between the chief heroes of the two fighting armies. Lakshman, Hanuman, and the bear-king Jambavan are the most prominent fellow combatants of Ram. While on Ravan’s side, his son Indrajit is the most conspicuous. The latter is versed in all magic arts and knows how to make himself invisible at moment. The battle horn blows and the war begins. Indrajit inflicts dangerous wounds on Ram and Lakshman. But in the night, on the advice of the bear-king Jambavan, the monkey Hanuman flies to Mount Kailasa, in order to fetch four particularly po werful healing herbs. As these herbs are concealed, the monkey simply takes the whole mountain-peak with him and carries it to the battle-field, where, through the fragrance of the healing herbs, Ram, Lakshman and all the wounded are immediately healed. Then Hanuman puts the mountain back into its place. On another occasion, Indrajit, versed in magic, comes out of the city carrying, on his war-chariot a magically produced image of Sita, which he ill-treats and beheads before the eyes of Hanuman, Lakshman, and the monkeys. Horrified, Hanuman reports to Rama that Sita is killed; Rama falls into a swoon. Lakshman breaks into lamentations and utters a blasphemous speech with bitter complaints against a fate that has no regard to virtue but be is soon enlightened by Vibhishan that the whole affair is only a delusion produced by Indrajit. Finally, Indrajit is killed by Lakshmana after a violent duel. Furious at the death of his son, Ravan himself now appears on the field of battle. A dreadful duel between Ram a nd Ravan takes place, continuing day and night. The gods themselves come to Ram’s aid, especially Indra with his chariot and his projectiles strikes aggressively. But every time Rama strikes off one of Ravana’s heads, a new head grows again. At last, Vibishan tells him Ravan’s weak spot, he succeeds in piercing Ravana’s belly button with a weapon created by the god Brahma himself. There is great rejoicing in the army of the monkeys, and wild flight of the demons. Vibhishana is installed as King of the Lanka by Rama. Only now does Rama send for Sita, and proclaim to her the joyous news of the victory  but then, in the presence of all the monkeys and gods, he rejects her. He doubts that Sita had grown over the years to love Ravan. Then Sita raises a bitter complaint against Ram’s unjust suspicions and asks Lakshman to erect a pyre: for now nothing remained for her but to enter the fire. Ram gives his consent, the pyre is erected and lighted, and Sita, invoking Agni, the fire god, as a witne ss of her innocence, rushes into the flames. Then Agni arises out of the burning pyre with the uninjured Sita and delivers her to Ram, assuring him, in a solemn speech, that she has always kept her faith with him, and even in the palace of the demons remained pure and innocent. Thereupon Ram declares that he himself had never had any doubts concerning Sita’s innocence, but that it was necessary to prove it before the eyes of the people. Now Ram and his people, accompanied by Hanuman and the monkeys, return to Ayodhya, where they are received with open arms by Bharat, Shatrughna, and the mothers. They enter amidst the rejoicing of the populace. Rama is consecrated as king and rules contently and for the welfare of his subject for many years.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Social Media Marketing Helps a Business to Develop a Positive Relationship with their Customers Free Essay Example, 2250 words
In the 21st century, there has been an upsurge of business competition, forcing most businesses to venture into international markets as part of their strategy to expand their geographical coverage. As the domestic market becomes saturated, organizations have to resort to international business strategies to overcome the threat of business competition (Clark, 2012). However, entry into the international market has been a great challenge for many organizations due to the complexities of this market. Cultural diversity and variation in customer tastes have become a threat to customer loyalty. The customer lies at the heart of the organizational performance and hence organizations have set it as a business priority to develop a positive customer relationship. Loyal customers are of great value to the organization as they ensure that the business continues to thrive even during tough market conditions. The concession that exists is that the organization must develop strategies on how to win customer loyalty in its market positioning strategy. As a result, international organizations has put it a top priority to win customer loyalty both in the short and long-term. The issue of customer relationship is common in the business environment. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Media Marketing Helps a Business to Develop a Positive Relationship with their Customers or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Tub Free Essays
A girl and her tub should not be messed with. My full-body slnklng hole with relaxing jets is my form of relaxation in this rat race called life. Even though, I am surrounded by dirty clothes, piles of forgotten cosmetics and beauty products with plastic toy animals staring at me, I am alone. We will write a custom essay sample on My Tub or any similar topic only for you Order Now I lock the door and barricade myself from my husband, two small boys, phone calls, laundry, and life. I turn off the overhead light and let the natural sunrays from outside come through the window. I might exfoliate the soles of my tired feet or I might run the dull razor up and down my hairy legs, but mostly I Just sit. I close my eyes while putting up my feet and letting my mind race to an imaginary world where things are simple. I let the heat from the hot water steam up my glasses. I let the heat turn my skin pink from the extreme temperature differences in the room and melt away my stress and worries. The sweat runs down my face and mixes with the washed away make-up, dirt, and tears. It forms puddles and trickles down my body and drift away In the Immense pool. I conquer all of life’s dilemmas, family squabbles, and work stress on deserted island in the bathroom. And when it is over, I would like to think they all disappear down the drain for a temporary leave. This is my secret clubhouse that I retreat to for relief. My tub is my own and should not be messed with. How to cite My Tub, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Competition and Financial Accounting Skullduggery
Question: Discuss about theCompetition and Financial Accounting for Skullduggery. Answer: Introduction In this article there is discussion of the activities of accounting skullduggery of the companies. It has been observed that there are more than $26 Billion dollars in write down that has been observed in companies such as BHP Billiton, South32, Rio Tinto, Santos, Woolworths, Orica, Woodside that has been to the collapse of more than $44 billion collapse. These kinds of write down practices has grown immensely in the last year. The Australian Securities and Investment commission has stated that it would investigate into this matter. Woolsworth company had somehow converted 800-million-dollar profit from 1.2-billion-dollar profit. If this had occurred in countries such as the United States, the SEC of the country there would have been stringent actions against these practices by the corporation. The ASIC considers the companies to follow the ethical mandates and have proper regulatory practices. The remuneration to the top management is higher and is also a problem. Response The Australian Accounting Standards is a part of the Australian government that is used to develop and maintain regulation of the financial reporting standards of the company. This applied to the private and the public sectors of the company. In this the companies are expected to balance between the stakeholder interests more than the shareholder or investor interests. The corporate governance of the company favors only some stakeholders and they ensure that the people (Balakrishnan Cohen, 2013). There is also the incorporation of the positive accounting theory of opportunistic perspective that is adopted in the accounting practices of the company (Bazley et al., 2012) . The oversight and the ethical committee of the companies should do more to address these claims. To conclude the article discusses about the ethical mandates required while balancing the budget. Durkin, P. ( 2016, September 16). Accounting skullduggery hides $26b in losses. Australian Financial Review,.p. Retrieved from Article 2 Summary In this article there is critical view of the HSBC reporting of the people retirement savings. There is the concept of positive bias in their retirement accounts and there is underestimation of the costs involved in the process. There are a number of biases that has been found in the report that the author argues. The issues with the positive accounting theory when accounting for the personal retirement accounts has been detailed in this article. The biases such as earning more would lead to better retirement lives or that selling of assets would mean a better quality of life has been disputed in this article. To summarize the article, it points out towards the issues of positive accounting theory and overestimation. Response to the Article Positive accounting theory tries to make positive accounts and predictions about the real world events and uses these positive assumptions to the accounting transactions (Deegan, 2012). There was discussion in the 7th sessions of the importance of positive accounting theories. Normative theories on the other hand discusses about what needs to be done. But the positive theories explain the positive bias and predicts the events. The reasons firms use this practices is to ensure that there is maximization of the prospects used for survival. The issues in the positive accounting theories is that they make invalid assumptions. There is no systematic or scientific review of what needs to be done nor is the predictions assured (Horngren, et al., 2012) . The positive accounting theory in the past has not been able to show substantial positive growth in the markets. Even though it has been in play from 1970 onwards. The issues of positive accounting theory and its inherent limitations has bee n explained in this article from a practical perspective. Patten, S ( 2016 August 2016) Accentuating the positive can backfire in retirement, warns HSBC. Australian Financial Review, P. Retrieved from Article 3 Summary of the Article Wesfarmers had said that the actual earnings of Target would be 53 million dollars and not 74 million that was reported by Target. This is a 5.7% difference in the reporting. 21 million dollars was assumed to arise from the rebate arrangement. Apart from this there was the issue of plunging coal prices in the last year. This had caused the company to suffer a lot of losses. The remuneration losses for the executives were considered to be 10 million dollars. However, in spite of this the Wesfarmers executive remuneration was more than 1 million dollars. The short term incentive payments and the inherent risks of the process has been reported in this article. Response to the Article While an accounting reporting is made the most important aspect is maintaining the ethics. This is the core value of the corporate governance. Meeting bottom lines, maximization of the earning and adding of the intangibles in the accounting balance sheets are added in order to keep the investors of the company satisfied. However, in this case there has been considerable losses yet the management continues to receive considerable amount in bonuses in spite of the losses posted. The ethics review of the company needs to reexamine the practices of bonus payout to the top executive (Macve, 2015). To summarize it is quite clear that the company should have a better ethics and corporate governance practices in place. Greenblat, E ( 2016, September 22) Troubled year costs Wesfarmers executives $10m in entitlements, The Australian, Retreived from Article 4 Summary of the Article Shine Lawyers face the risk of a class action after the collapse of the share price. The Shine lawyers are blamed for the 75% decline in the share price. This had wiped over 253 million in the market capitalization. Reason for the class action is that Shine has been criticized for over-estimating the firms ability in recovering from the loses. The company has however declined that they had ever committed any wrong doing. Over estimation of the company progress is the reason cited for the class action brought against the company. The class action has been brought against the company. Response to the Article The issue in the article can be linked to the positive accounting theory and is considered to be opportunistic perspective. This is assumed that the managers were driven by self interest and also had employed in creative accounting practices where the objectivity has not been considered. It seems to refer that the people responsible for the accounting practices were not clear and has caused this issue to arise (Henderson et al., 2015) . Shine lawyers would have been prematurely motivated to reported the revenue that there would be a future profit in the future. This is the reason for the company to face the class action. While the intention or the actions of the Shine company are yet to be uncovered it is quite clear that the company has not been meeting objectives and there is an obvious issue in the operational procedure of the company. Merrit, C ( 23rd September 2016) Shine faces class action from investors over share price fall The Australian Retrieved from Reference: Balakrishnan, K., Cohen, D. A. (2013). Competition and financial accounting misreporting.Available at SSRN 1927427. Bazley, M., Hancock, P., Fisher, C., Lovell, A., Berk, J., DeMarzo, P., ... DeMarzo, P. (2013).Financial Accounting: An Integrated. Thomson Pty Ltd, South Melbourne. Deegan, C. (2012).Australian financial accounting. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Durkin, P. ( 2016, September 16). Accounting skullduggery hides $26b in losses. Australian Financial Review,.p. Retrieved from Greenblat, E ( 2016, September 22) Troubled year costs Wesfarmers executives $10m in entitlements, Retreived from Henderson, S., Peirson, G., Herbohn, K., Howieson, B. (2015).Issues in financial accounting. Pearson Higher Education AU. Horngren, C., Harrison, W., Oliver, S., Best, P., Fraser, D., Tan, R. (2012).Financial Accounting. Pearson Higher Education AU Macve, R. (2015).A Conceptual Framework for Financial Accounting and Reporting: Vision, Tool, Or Threat?. Routledge. Merrit, C ( 23rd September 2016) Shine faces class action from investors over share price fall The Australian Retrieved from Patten, S ( 2016 August 2016) Accentuating the positive can backfire in retirement, warns HSBC. Australian Financial Review, P. Retrieved from
Friday, March 27, 2020
Essay Examples on American History X Essay Example
Essay Examples on American History X Paper 1st Essay Sample on American History X No one can honestly argue that the world currently exists without racial tensions.While some people still struggle to overcome ongoing racism and stereotypes, many have stepped over racial boundaries and resolved the struggles between them.However, Benjamin DeMott argues in his article Put on a Happy Face: Masking the Differences Between Blacks and Whites that Hollywood consistently hides true racial relationships by putting blacks and whites together with happy faces, thus encouraging society to ignore the reality of racial tensions.This may be true of most Hollywood productions, but in the movie American History X, Hollywood attempts to step away from this cliched portrayal to present the more realistic and harsh relationships that exist between races. Throughout his article, DeMott criticizes the media for suggesting that the beast of American racism is tamed and harmless (295).He argues that Hollywood churns out images of racial harmony, creating a fantasy world which denies the actuality of racial tensions (297).When society conceals racial problems, the situation continues to escalate and remains unsolved.DeMott claims that the good news in the movies obscures the bad news in the street (297).A large portion of society bases their knowledge on what they view in the media; therefore, if Hollywood depicts a world in which racism is no longer an issue, the struggles of minorities will be forgotten by many.In his article, DeMott refers to the government overlooking minorities, claiming that even the [Supreme] Court postulates the existence of a society no longer troubled by racism (297).He argues that only when the suffering of all races are accounted for should they be portrayed by Hollywood as equal. 2nd Essay Sample on American History X 2. What problems did the United States confront in maintaining morale at home during the war? With a war as costly as WWII, the United States citizens were forced to ration their commodities in great amounts as well as work extra hard either for their family or the government. This extra work with less benefit caused people to wish they were living a normal life again, thus wishing the war was never happening. 3. What were two major tasks that the United States faced in converting the economy to producing products for war? In order to prepare their country for war, the United States was forced to convert major consumer goods factories into factories producing war goods. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on American History X specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on American History X specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on American History X specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer For example, lipstick factories were converted into ammunition factories, and car factories now made tanks. The United States also initiated the sales of War Bonds in order to raise funds for this costly war. 4. What problem was the process of rationing designed to solve? Rationing was intended to stop the hunger of the troops overseas. The food that was not sold to the stores as a result of the rationing was sent off to feed the troops fighting for their country. 5. Describe two ways in which World War II affected labor in the United States. Do any of these conditions exist here today? It was in WWII that the women truly came into society and took the jobs that were normally taken by men. This happened because all the men were out at war. When the men came back from war, not only did they realize that women were in fact capable of handling the workload, but they were also very good at what the men thought they could not do. It also allowed Black men to do the same. For thefirst time, African American people were able to get virtually any job they wanted. This change occurred suddenly, but it did not change over the years.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
The Factors That Influence Travel Decision Making Tourism Essay Essays
The Factors That Influence Travel Decision Making Tourism Essay Essays The Factors That Influence Travel Decision Making Tourism Essay Essay The Factors That Influence Travel Decision Making Tourism Essay Essay This chapter consists of three parts. First is debut, following is literature reappraisals that review the critical points of old researches including substantial determination every bit good as theoretical and methodological parts to this similar subject. Last, a decision to this chapter. Research in the country of travel motivations is of import in understanding and foretelling the factors that influence travel decision-making ( Cha, S. , McCleary, K.W. and Uysal, M. , 1995 ) . Motivation is theoretically viewed as a province of demand, a status that serves as a driving force to expose different sorts of behavior toward certain types of activities, developing penchants, geting at some expected satisfactory result. ( Backman, K.F. Backman, S.J. , Uysal, M. and Sunshine, K.M.,1995 ) In peculiar, an apprehension of motive aid sellers attempts to accomplish and fulfill persons diverse desires and demands, cardinal elements that influence the procedure of travellers decision-making ( Crompton, J.L. and McKay S.L.,1997 ) . Surveies of motive therefore provide to foretell traveller s personal demands, outlooks, accomplishments, or benefits sought ( Formica, S. and Uysal, M.,1998 ) . A brief reappraisal of travel motive research ( Table 1 ) published in three major touristry diaries Annalss of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, and Journal of Travel Research revealed that bing surveies have covered a broad scope of the spectrum, there are included the sociology of travel motive as a stimulator of existent behaviour ( Dann 1977 ; Mansfeld 1992 ) ; travel motive of different niche markets ( Clift and Forrest 1999 ; Dunn Ross and Iso-Ahola 1991 ; Hsu, Cai, and Wong 2007 ; Maoz 2007 ; Qu and Ping 1999 ; Rittichainuwat 2008 ) ; the development or empirical trial of travel motive measurings ( Crompton 1979 ; Dann 1981 ; Fodness 1994 ; Ryan and Glendon 1998 ) ; differences in motive among tourers with varied nationality and cultural backgrounds ( Kim and Prideaux 2005 ; Maoz 2007 ) , figure of visits ( Lau and McKercher 2004 ) , finishs and beginnings ( Kozak 2002 ) , sociodemographic feature ( Jang and Wu 2006 ; Fleischer and Pizam 2002 ) , or environmental attitu de ( Luo and Deng 2008 ) . Writers Survey Dann 1977 A sociological survey of travel motive, with a focal point on the push dimension of motive. Crompton 1979 The motive for pleasance holiday. Seven motive factors were identified through interviews. Dann 1981 Based on a literature reappraisal on travel motive, seven attacks of motive survey were identified. The use of different nomenclatures was besides discussed Dunn Ross and Iso-Ahola 1991 Motivation of sightseeing tourers in relation to their satisfaction Mansfeld 1992 The function of motive in travel behaviour and its complex nature Paul 1992 Travel motive of Canadian ecotourists Parrinello 1993 Relationship between expectancy and motive in postindustrial societies in the context of Western Europe Fodness 1994 A measurement graduated table was developed for leisure travel with 20 points. Lieux, weaver ; and McCleary 1994 Benefit cleavage of senior tourers from the United States Gnoth 1997 Development of theoretical theoretical account on motive and outlook formation Formica and Uysal 1998 Benefit cleavage of visitants to a cultural-historical event in Italy Ryan and Glendon 1998 The Leisure Motivation Scale was applied to tourism with British tourists. An brief version of holiday motive graduated table with 14 points was developed. Waller and Lea 1998 Relationship between genuineness seeking and enjoyment. The cognition dimension of motive was found to intercede this relationship. Clift and Forrest 1999 The motive of cheery work forces in relation to the type of finishs they preferred in the context of the United Kingdom Qu and Ping 1999 Motivation of sail choice in the context of Hong Kong Goossens 2000 The function of emotional constituent of travel motive in exciting existent travel behaviour Fleischer and Pizam 2002 Relationship between motive and Israeli senior travellers income and wellness Kozak 2002 Differences of motive among tourers sing different finishs and tourer from different states sing same finish with respondents from the United Kingdom and Germany Sirakaya, Uysal, and Yoshioka 2003 Benefits cleavage of Nipponese tourers to Turkey Lau and McKercher Differences of travel motive between first-time and repeat visitants to Hong Kong Kim and Prideaux 2005 A cross-cultural analysis on travel motive to South Korea among five national tourer groups Pearce and Lee 2005 Further development of the Travel Career Ladder by presenting Travel Career Pattern ( TCP ) . The relationship between old experience and motive was explored by TCP. Yoon and Uysal 2005 Causal relationship between push-pull motives, satisfaction, and finish trueness. Pull factors were found to negatively act upon satisfaction. Jang and Wu 2006 Influences of sociodemographic factors, economic position, wellness position, and positive and negative effects on travel motive among Chinese seniors Chang, wall, and Chu 2006 Benefits cleavage utilizing the freshness seeking graduated table in the context of Chinese tourers to Aboriginal attractive forces Nicolau and Mas 2006 Influences of travel distance and monetary value on finish choice, with travel motive as a moderator in the context of Spain Poria, Reichel, and Biran 2006 Relationship between perceptual experience of heritage as it is related to the tourers ain heritage and motive explored before the trip Snerpenger et Al. 2006 Tourists and recreationist were comparing utilizing Iso-Ahola s motive theory. The relationship between motive and old holidaies was investigated. Swanson and Horridge 2006 Causal relationship between keepsake shopping and four motivational factors in the context of Southwestern United States Beh and Bruyere 2007 Benefits cleavage in the context of Kenya Hsu, Cai, and Wong 2007 A theoretical theoretical account of senior travel motive in the context of China Maoz 2007 Travel motive of Israeli backpackers, investigated in relation to national and cultural features Luo and Deng 2008 Relationship between environmental attitude and nature-based touristry motive Rittichainuwat 2008 Travel motive to a touristry finish, utilizing the disaster-hit beach resort in Phuket as an illustration. Comparison was made between domestic and inward tourers, and between tourers of different ages and genders. Park and Yoon 2009 Benefit cleavage of rural touristry in the context of South Korea Table1. Brief Summary of Studies on Travel Motivation ( Adopted from Cathy H.C. Hsu, Liping A. Cai and Mimi Li, 2009 ) Many research workers from different Fieldss such as from sociology, anthropology, and psychological science have investigated travel motive since many old ages ago ( Cohen, 1972 ; Dann, 1977 ; Crompton, 1979 ; Gnoth, 1997 ) . Maslow s hierarchal theory of motive was one of the most applied in touristry literature ( 1970 ) and it was model as a pyramid whose base consists of the physiological demands, followed by higher degrees of psychological demands and the demand for self-actualization. Numerous touristry bookmans have attempted to modify the theoretical account through empirical observation, with the noteworthy success by Pearce ( 1982 ) , who projected a touristry motive theoretical account that mirrors the theoretical account of Maslow, but free of predominance premise. Carry throughing Prestige Push Seeking Relaxation Factors Sightsing Assortment Deriving Knowledge Events and Activities Pull Adventure Factors History and Culture Easy Access and Affordable A reappraisal of past researches on tourer motive indicates that the analysis of motives based on the two dimensions of push and pull factors have been by and large accepted ( Yuan A ; McDonald, 1990 ; Uysal A ; Hagan, 1993 ) . The construct behind push and pull dimension is that people travel because they are pushed by their ain inner forces and pulled by the outer forces of finish properties. Most of the push factors that are origin-related are intangible or intrinsic desires of the single travellers. Pull factors, frailty versa, are those that emerge because of the attraction of that peculiar finish, as the travellers perceive it. They include touchable resources and travellers perceptual experience and outlook such as benefit outlook, freshness and marketed image of the finish. A research theoretical account is so developing based on this theory at below diagram ( adapted from Baloglu A ; Uysal, 1996 ) . Travel Motivation Crompton ( 1979 ) foremost sought to pull seven socio-psychological, or push motivations such as flight, self-exploratory, relaxation, prestigiousness, arrested development, kinship-enhancement, and societal interaction ) and two cultural, or draw motivations that are novelty and instruction. The conceptual model that he developed would giving impact the choice of a finish, and this attack implies that the finish can hold some grade of influence on holiday behaviour in run intoing an aroused demand. As Crompton s initial empirical attempt, many surveies have attempted to acknowledge push and pull motivational factors in different scenes such as nationalities, finishs and events ( Jang and Wu, 2006 ) . Example integrated Yuan and McDonald s ( 1990 ) survey on motives for abroad travel from four states: Japan, France, West Germany and UK. While Uysal and Jurowski ( 1993 ) studied, the nature and extent of the mutual relationship between push and pull factors of motives for pleasance travel with utilizing informations from the Canadian Tourism Attribute and Motivation Survey. Another survey in Australia examined the nature and utility of the relationship between these two factors of motive by using canonical correlativity analysis ( Oh, H. , M. , A ; Uysal, P. Weaver, 1995 ) . Baloglu and Uysal ( 1996 ) claimed that the construct of merchandise packages is used to mention to the sensed significance of the interaction between push and pull points of motive. This implies that certain grounds for travel may match to certain benefits that are to be valued and obtained at the finish topographic point. Based on the intrinsic and extrinsic motives, as discussed above, the single tourer physiques their perceptual experiences, and the perceptual experiences can be differ from the true properties of the merchandise depending on how the single receives and procedure information ( Gartner, 1993 ; Dann, 1996 ; Baloglu and Brinberg, 1997 ) . A general decision can be drawn that the personal motivations or called push motivations and the position of the features of the touristry finish ( pull motivations ) determine perceptual experiences. These motivations interact in dynamic and germinating context ( Correia, 2000 ) , and the tourer motive is seen as a multidimensional construct that indicates tourist determination ( McCabe, 2000 ) . As touristry paradigm is related to human existences and human nature, it is ever a complex proposition to analyze why people travel and what they want to bask ( Yoon and Uysal, 2005 ) . In most surveies, it is by and large accepted that push and pull motives have been chiefly utilized in surveies of tourer behaviour. The finds and issues doubtless play a usage function in trying to understand a broad different of demands and wants that can drive and act upon tourer behaviour. Nevertheless, Yoon and Uysal ( 2005 ) said that the consequences and effects of the motive surveies of tourer behaviour need more than an apprehension of their demands and wants. In touristry finish direction, it was by and large agree that maximising travel satisfaction is important for a successful concern. The rating of the physical merchandises of finish every bit good as the psychological reading of a finish merchandise are of import for human actions ( Swan and Comb, 1976 ; Uysal and Noe, 2003 ) , which could be farther represented as a travel satisfaction and finish fidelity. Both constructs can be examined within the context of a touristry system stand foring two major constituents of the market topographic point, viz. , demand ( tourer ) and supply ( touristry attractive forces ) which demand refers to motivations ( push factors ) that sustain tourers desire while lissome relates to finish s features ( pull factors ) ( Jurowski et al. , 1996 ) . Push and pull factors have by and large been characterized to two separate determinations made at two separate period in clip one focussing on whether to travel, the other on where to travel. For case, Dann ( 1981 ) noted that once the trip has been decided upon, where to travel, what to see or what to make ( associating to the specific finishs ) can be tackled and this make a conclude that, analytically, both logically and temporally, push factors precede pull factor . Although these two factors has been viewed as associating to two distinguishable determinations, several research workers have distinguished that they should non be viewed as operating wholly independent of each other s. For illustration, it has suggested that people travel because they are pushed by their ain intrinsic forces and at the same time pulled by the extrinsic forces such as the finish and its properties ( Cha, McCleary, and Uysal 1995 ; Uysal and Jurowskil, 1994 ) . However, Crompton ( 1979 ) argued, push factors may be utile non merely in explicating the initial rousing, stimulating, or push ; to take a holiday, but may besides hold directing potency to direct the tourer toward a peculiar finish ( p.412 ) . Several empirical scrutinies of push and pull factors had been reported in the travel and touristry literature. Of the anterior research that examined the pupils and/or spring interruption travel market ( Butts, F.B. , J. Salazar, K. Sapio, and D. Thomas, 1996 ; Field, 1999 ; Hobson and Josiam, 1992,1996 ; Hsu and Sung, 1996,1997 ; Sirakaya and McLellan, 1997 ) , there have been no probes of push forces and merely a smattering of efforts to analyze the pull factors act uponing pupils finish pick determination. In another survey, conducted by Hobson and Josiam ( 1992 ) , pupils were asked to name their primary ground for taking a spring interruption finish and most responses referred to the influence of friends and/or household populating near or traveling to the finish, other grounds referred to destination-related properties such as the finish holding s spring interruption party repute, warm conditions, low-cost pricing, quiet environment, good skiing, or good beaches.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Women in Ancient Society Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Women in Ancient Society - Research Paper Example It is true that the Byzantine era was characterized by today’s stereotypical understanding of women’s depressed position in ancient societies at least among the lower classes. The church played a powerful role in subjugating women, often introducing legal stipulations which limited the actions of women as a means of preventing defilement and impurity, but couldn’t refuse the generosity and donations of the wealthy (Viscuso, 2005: 317). Thus, women belonging to the aristocracy did not necessarily fall under this distinction or suffer this fate. According to Grubbs, â€Å"The law determined, according to status, the sexual relationships and roles open to a woman, and the amount of protection from violence or exploitation she could expect†(2001: 221). Through marriage, aristocratic women were able to gain status by acquiring a legal share in the power wielded by their husbands. In some cases, these women were even able to wield power dire ctly having been given her husband’s authority. By using marriage as a tool and with the protection of the law as it applied to women of a particular social status, women of this period were able to siphon off a large amount of the power normally enjoyed by men. Evidence can also be found by tracing the patronage of various pieces of religious artwork and in the artwork of the state. The Virgin Mary is, of course, one of the major symbols of the Christian faith, but there is an underlying message behind her figure that has often spoken to women and provided them with an example.Â
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Guanxi and corruption in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Guanxi and corruption in China - Essay Example In this short essay, I will start out by outlining problems of corruption in contemporary China. Then, I will explore to what extent Guanxi may contribute to what many perceive as a crisis of rampant corruption in the country. China has in the recent past been an object of scathing criticisms from both the local and international players over its apparent tolerance to corruption. Gong (2011) portrays the perception of China by Westerners who associate business culture in China with Guanxi. Regardless of the favour or job one wants in China, all that matters most is the ability to give gifts or bribery. Guanxi illustrates the complex form of corruption where relationship with bigwigs and those in powers motivate most of the decisions. In addition to enhancing business prospects for the corrupt in China, Guanxi has further led to the formations of monopolies pegged on capitalistic endeavours. This practise in fact threatened the survival of China as communist country. To further illustrate the problem of corruption in China, a survey one conducted on 100 people who were prosecuted for bribe-giving. The result indicated that 94.2% of them asserted that â€Å"they would â€Å"warm up the relationship†first before they would bribe with money†(Ling Li 7). Corruption through Guanxi has harmed Chinese image on both the local and international spheres. Illegal businesses that fail to adhere to human rights have been allowed to operate without legal charges. Also, the level of property rights violations and manufacture of counterfeit products without concomitant legal actions has left many questioning the willingness of China to fight corruption (Zhang). The Chinese judicial system is one of the areas significantly affected by cases corruption. â€Å"Guanxi†is evidently a factor into a judicial or arbitral decision. However, worth noting is the fact that this corruption does not necessarily assume the traditional form of bribe,
Monday, January 27, 2020
Parents Perception In Choosing Private Primary School
Parents Perception In Choosing Private Primary School The elimination of school fees from public primary school under the Governments policy in Cambodia in order to reach the EFA Goal by 2015 has increased student enrollments from year to year. However, the quality of education of public schools has reduced while the number of students who transfer from public to private schools has increased more and more. To obtain a better understanding of the factors influencing parents decision in choosing private primary schools for children, researcher has investigated the perception between two groups of parents, high and low educated parents. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect data from 2 high educated parents and 2 from low educated parents. The interviews were conducted with the parents whose children studying à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹in a private primary school in Phnom Penh. Data was analyzed by using an interpretive analysis method. The findings indicated the different factors influencing the parents decision such as quality and standard of education, learning environment, security, safety and services. However, most parents consider about the quality and safety of their children because they dont have enough time to take care their children even their education during the daytime. According to the findings, most parents have a positive perspective on the choice of private schools even some private schools are expensive. They believe that the higher the school fees it set the higher in quality they will be offered. One of the parents; for example, transferred her child from cheaper to higher price in term of school fees and services. The children in wealthier and higher educated family background have a higher possibility of transferring to private schools than children from poorer and lower educated family background. Education plays an important role in socioeconomic development in every country. It can also improve human resources as not all the human abilities which are offered by birth. Education makes people feel confident, aware and active in term of knowledge and skill development (Rehman, Khan, Tariq Tasleem, 2010). It develops human abilities needed for economic and social development. Many years public schools play a very important role in developing the education as well as building human resources. However, in recent years, private schools have grown very fast by providing good quality. No matter the fee in private school is very high, parents are still happy to invest their youngsters in the private sector (Rehman et al., 2010). According to the report of the Education Management Information System (EMIS) of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2010-2011, private schools have been growing very fast. Private schools have done its privatization since 1992 under the supervision of MoEYS (MoEYS, 2011). Among 24 provinces and cities, there are only 9 provinces and cities that have sent their report of private schools to the EMIS office (MoEYS, 2011). Until now there are 264 private schools in the whole kingdom, but only 120 schools that provide primary education. Among 120 schools, 71 schools located in Phnom Penh (MoEYS, 2011). Cambodia is one of many developing countries with a recent history of rapid growth within the private education sector. Since Cambodia steps into a free market economy in the early 1990s, education has become a very important key to human resource development. However, while the demand of education begins growing faster and faster, public education is still in poor condition and unresponsive to the growing need and free markets that offer people what they want (Bernal, 2005). Bernal (2005) stated that since competition among public schools has not been introduced, parents are free to choose any schools they want for their children. On the one hand, competition among private schools is very strong, so each school has managed many kinds of strategies in order to attract the parents as well as their children to participate the school. Private school enrollment is not a simple function of parental preferences. The quality of private schools can be a high demand in which parents seek for their childs education (Desai, Dubey, Vanneman Banerji, 2008). Private education is often perceived to be about serving the needs of the high and middle classes, not the poor. Most of parents want to provide the best educational environment for their children. The parents decide to invest their children in form of education depends on number of social, cultural and economic factors (Rehman et al., 2010). Parents usually decide to choose the best quality school for their youngsters when they are dissatisfied with public school. Private schools are mostly more effective than public schools in terms of school environment, qualified teachers, smaller size of classes and parents education. Rehman et al. (2010) found that a great majority of parents seemed dissatisfied with the public school due to various reasons: qualified teachers, good relationship between schools and parents, class sizes and others. Choosing school for children, parents may make themselves feel more confident that children will be taught effectively and treated fairly (Spellings, 2005). Choosing schools carefully is an important way parents can help their children all what he / she can be. School choice is highly related to parents occupational status. The parents with higher occupational status prefer to choose private school rather than public school for their children. The school choice of parents show about their satisfaction with the school they choose (Rehman et al., 2010). Moreover, many parents consider teacher quality the most important factor to guarantee the quality of their children education while the other value school academic reputation and facilities (as cited in Wilkinson, Denniss Machintosh, 2004). According to the research of Wilkinson et al. (2004) stated that some teachers have perceived pressure in the public school system that may lead to the non-quality teaching condition. In contrast, private sector offers incentives, good working environment, and other benefits which encourage teachers to work hard by providing the best quality of education, thats why parents choose private school rather than public school. 1.2 Problem Statement Private education in Cambodia has expanded rapidly in number as well as absorbing more students. Private sector, especially private school, has become one of the potential partners with the government to improve and develop the education sector as well as human resources. The increasing competitions as well as the huge demand of education have led to the rapid expansion of the private sector, which is new in the history of modern education in Cambodia. Because these private education institutions are profit seeking, the majority of them are only to offer courses with high demand and high quality (Desai, Dubey, Vanneman Banerji, 2008). Moreover, the private education in Cambodia raises many questions concerning about future success and quality. On condition that its new existence and concerning among public, the private education keeps increasing students enrollment from year to year. This rising enrolment contributes to the continuous growth of private sector which the priorities of the private institutions are for profit, and depend mostly on students fee. Even the fee of some institutions increases more and more, students parents still choose private school but not the public one. Since the last few decades, public school seems to be less attention from parents in term of service, qualityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc. On the other hand, high income of families is also a key factor that affects the school choice. For instance, some parents who have higher income will send their children to a high-fee school (Wilkinson et al, 2004). Similarly, parents with lower income will send their children to less expensive private school or public school. Moreover, according to the study of Rehman et al. (2010) found that lack of education facilities, unsuitable teaching methods, poor discipline, less attention to the overall development of the children, overcrowded classes, lack of teachers interest and unsuitable educational environment are major reasons that the parents avoid the public schools. They also mentioned that the classes in public school are mostly overcrowded and become very hard for teachers to concentrate on the development of every student. These have aroused my curiosity to explore parents perceptions towards private schools in Cambodia. 1.3 Research objectives The purposes of this research are to identify the common factors as well as the reasons parents decide to choose private school for their children education and also to find out the factors which motivate parents to choose a particular school to educate their children. Researcher wants to explore the critical factors influencing parents decision to pursue their children study in the private sector and in choosing a particular private education institution. Another purpose for this research is to identify the different perception between parents who are in the city and suburb area. It also assesses how they view the quality of private schools based on their own experience. 1.4 Research Questions This study is conducted purposively to answer the following two research questions: What are the factors influencing parents decision to choose private primary school for their children? What are the different perceptions between high and low educated parents in choosing the schools for their children? 1.5 Significance of the Study This research is attempted to contribute to the discussion of critical factors that affect parents decision in choosing a private school as well as their perceptions of quality of private sector. It also gives an understanding of parents experiences of satisfaction and dissatisfaction in private and public education which would be aware of students need and the view of customers. So those private sectors may respond by designing suitable courses, programs, and service to meet students needs. The findings of this research will also allow public schools to be better informed as well as aware of new roles of private education sector as seen by parents perceptions. This may allow public education sector to readily reorganize some dissatisfaction factors by providing an education with higher quality. It would also contribute to the future growth, development and significance of private education sector in Cambodia. Definition of key terms This research will include 3 key terms that are particularly used to refer only in this study, but not in general. Private primary school is referred to non-government school which is run by private sector. However, this private primary school, from grade 1 to 6, is under the supervision of the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports. High educated parents mentioned in this research are referred to the ones who have the Bachelor Degree or higher. And they are referred to the ones who work as government officers, NGOs staff and company staff (As higher position). Low educated parents which mentioned in this paper are focused on the parents who have no Bachelor Degree or equivalent certificates. These parents may not work as government officers, NGOs staff or company staff, but they just sell things at the market or have a small business. 1.7 Proposed chapter outline of research paper This research contains five chapters. Chapter one gives detail background of the previous studies related to the topic. It also provides detail information of research problem, research objectives, research questions, then significance of study, and definition of key term. In chapter two, there will be literature review which will discuss on previous studies and how they related to this study. Then in chapter three, there will be methodology covering research design of qualitative, tools/instruments for data collection, sample size and sampling method, data collecting procedures, data analysis, ethical consideration, and strengths and limitation of the method. Findings and discussion will be presented in chapter four giving results of the research and together with some problems or solutions to be discussed. The last chapter is conclusion and recommendation and must be followed by reference list giving detail about the sources which are used in this research. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Definition of Quality in Education Quality in education should involve learners, content, processes, environments, and outcomes (UNICEF, 2000). Learners are healthy, ready to participate and learn, and supported by their communities and families. Contents include literacy, numeracy, and especially life skills. Environments are referred to healthy, protective, safe, and provide appropriate resources and facilities to students in their learning processes. Outcomes are linked to national goals for education and positive participation in society in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. OECD (2012) has combined the quality with equity which means that if social and personal circumstance such as ethnic origin, family background or gender, are able to access the educational fairness, the quality of education will increase higher and higher. 2.2 Comparison between Public and Private Schools Private schools have greater demand than public schools. Nowadays the idea that private education is always better than public education has become a common idea which is linked to discipline, level of attainment and individual attention (Bernal, 2005). This study was to evaluate parents school choice and this may produce exclusion of society and inequality. Particular populations, economically disadvantaged groups, immigrants and ethnic minorities are considered the same schools (Bernal, 2005). In contrast, research argued that an open market system is not important in order to ensure the social class reproduction. However, parents are free to choose the school for the childrens education. Then family income and number of children attending the same school has increased dramatically. Private schools are free to plan the model of what they prefer. The competition among private schools is very strong in all kinds of commercial and marketing strategies. There are five characteristics o f the market system in Spain: free choice of school, school sells themselves to parents, public financing to both form of provision, diversity, control and management. The tough competition between schools and the outcomes are similar (Bernal, 2005). The upper and middle classes go to private schools, while economically disadvantaged groups, ethnic minorities and immigrants go to the public school. Children who are in private school have higher reading and arithmetic skills than those in public schools (Desai et al., 2008). This paper explores the relationship by examining different economic status in the private and public schools; moreover, it indicates that while children from lower economic status are more likely to be physically punished in the public schools than their peers who choose private schools. The relationship between economic status and physical punishment is negligible in private schools. There are private schools for the poor and they are most likely to have the big effect on enrollment (Baird, 2009). Parents select private schools because they think that the schools will provide better education in term of quality and opportunities in the future for their children than the state schools. Baird (2009) also found that there is no relationship between a particular areas wealth and the enrollment in private schools. Private education should be generalized through out the world, not just in India especially for the poor. The less satisfied citizens are with the government schools; in contrast, the rich choose private schools for their children education. The government schools or state schools should provide better education in term of quality, particularly for the poor (Baird, 2009). Choosing private school is not the decision of parents alone, but it has to be shared by their children in this decision making. However, Bertola, Checchi, Oppedisano (2007) mention that expensive private school is supposed to be better than free public school in terms of quality and safety because parents will send their children to other schools if they dont offer better service. Student quality is likely very different in terms of across academic and vocational secondary school tracks (Bertola et al., 2007). Parents are positively associated with private schooling and may also appreciate the longer hours and flexibility of private schools schedules. Rational choice of theory suggests that parents are utility maximizes who can make their own decisions from clear value of preferences, that they can demand effective actions from local schools and teachers, and that they are able to be relied upon to pursue the best interest of the children (Bosetti, 2004). This presents a different perspective and argues that parents invest a mixture of choice when selecting schools. Bertola et al., (2007) argue that a school ing systems organization may consider that private school enrollment leads to worse subsequent activities in the future education or in the labor market. If students are different not only their families ability to pay but also their own ability to take advantage of their talent, theory predicts that private schools attract students badly when publicly funded schools are better suited to force progress not only their families ability to pay but also their own ability to take advantage of their talent. 2.3 School Fee affects on School choice Coulson (2009) finds that private school families are basically different from public school families because they choose the schools through the school fee. Some parents believe that the higher school fee they set the higher quality of education they will offer. The result of this research also provides clearer understanding about the expectations, ideals and experiences of parents influence school choice. Most of parents want to educate their children with the best quality of education environment. They want to invest their children depend on a number of cultural, economic and social factors (Rehman et al., 2010). In Pakistan, education is offered by both private and public sectors. Studying in public schools is free of charge while parents have to pay in private schools. The price in private school is higher; however, parents still send their children to private school because they hope that their children will receive better education. Since the last three decades, private sector has been considered as an important resource of education in Pakistan. Then the factors that motivate parents decisions about private sector are yet to be explored. Family size, education level of parents, income of parents, school performance and staff qualifications are considered as the major factors that affect parents choice in choosing private school (Desai et al., 2008; Rehman et al., 2010). This study has shown that about 88.5% were the view these schools have a progressive mode of education while 86% parents avoided public schools due to unsuitable educational environment. Even the school fees are high or low, there is no different between private and public schools (CEP, 2007). Holme (2002) suggests that poor families should be provided with the same quality of educational choices that the wealthier have. It is inequity that private schools seem to be established for the rich not the poor. 2.4 School choice influences on Students Achievement Choosing a school has direct effects on children development as well as childrens educational achievement, literacy, numeracy and scientific knowledge (Sylva, 1994). Moreover, formal educational qualifications are the main key for children to enter higher education or training and also employment. The results show that excellent attendance, cognitively oriented pre-school programs was associated with later school competence. Pre-school graduates were more likely than the control group to provide achievement-related answers to the invitation. Findings also suggest that early education changed the family achievement orientation. Most mothers whose children attended pre-school expected more from their children. The children themselves also show more pride in their achievement. Pupil cognitions, motivations and school performance also effect pupils development. Academic self-concept has an independent impact on children academic attainment and parental education (Sylva, 1994; Gibbons et al., 2009). A productive school normally produces high achievement for students for their school fee on investing with schools (Hoxby, 2003). If a school could raise students achievement while spending the same as the others, it would be expected to draw the students away from those schools. Low-productivity producers will be driven out by high-productivity producers. There are many different types of schools: for profit, for non-profit private schools, regular public schools, and charter schools (Hoxby, 2003). Moreover, it is slightly different from others because the others about the choices parents make for their children while this literature is about the influences of the school. Children developments such as pre-school education, primary school on childrens attainment, attitudes and behavior, pupil cognitions, motivations, school performance, social competence and attainment are likely to be concerned by most parents (Sylva, 1994). Gibbons and Silva (2009) argued that parents choose schools for children according to their high performance. Previous research suggested that school quality is not only one dimension about which children and parents concern, other school factors like pupil happiness and enjoyment of their learning environment are also considered. These lead the researchers consider about parents perceptions of school choice based on academic standards and related with the children wellbeing. Some researcher (Gibbons et al., 2009; Sylva, 1994; Coulson, 2009) found that atti tudes and experiences, among pupils and their parents linked to standard test score based measures of academic performance, and whether parents perception of school quality linked to their childrens happiness and enjoyment of school. Gibbons et al. (2009) assumed that parents choose schools for children according to their high performance. They suggest that school quality is not only one dimension about which children and parents concern, other school factors like pupil happiness and enjoyment of their learning environment are also considered. This need to be considered about parents perceptions of school choice based on academic standards and related with the children wellbeing. Bernal (2005) Baird (2009) also agreed that parents select private schools because they think that the schools will provide better education in term of quality and opportunities in the future for their children than the state schools. There is no relationship between a particular areas wealth and the enrol lment in private schools. Private education is assumed to be concerned only with serving the high or middle class, not the poor (Trooley et al., n.d; Baird, 2009). Children who were in the private unaided schools get higher score than government school students. Moreover, children in unrecognized private schools achieve higher marks in mathematics than government students, 83% higher in Hindi and 246% higher in English. Scores in the recognized private schools were higher. Researchers also found that children in unaided private schools were more satisfied than the government schools. Unrecognized private schools are assumed to be educationally inadequate. This assumption is untrue because there are many unrecognized private schools achieved universal basic education, education for all. Children in private unaided schools get higher achievement than government schools. Private unaided schools cost less than government schools; moreover, teaching commitment is higher in private unaided than the government schoo ls. However, these findings mean that nothing could be improved in the private sector for serving the poor (Trooley et al., n.d). According to the United Nation Millennium Development Goal of education for all (EFA), education should be provided equally, even the poor. Then; however, private schools still take part in contributing the knowledge, not only public schools, for all children equally with quality of education. 2.5 Transferring from Public Schools The quality of education in public schools has reduced and the number of students who transfer from public to private schools has increased according to suggestion make by some experts (Nishimura, M. Yamano, T., 2008). As results, researchers have found that the school quality has a positive impact on the choice of private schools. They found not only transfers from public to private schools but also between public schools. Children who are in wealthy households have a higher probability of transferring to private schools than children who are in poorer households. Nishimura et al., (2009) Trooley et al., (n.d) have shown that to maintain the quality of education is an urgent policy agenda for Nation Millennium Development Goal of education for all that have adopted free primary education policies to enhance the education system equally. There is a positive impact on the choice of private schools. So it means that private education play very important role in providing good quality of education, even for the poor. 2.6 Choosing School through where they live Even some public schools are as high in quality as or higher than that of private schools, parents still send their children to private schools (Figlio, 1997). Parents might find a well disciplined for their children, or might satisfy with a higher probability that their children can participate in extracurricular activities substantively. Figlio (1997) finds that parents might wish for their children to perform with a right peer group. Parents choose private schools for their curricula and academic emphasizes, discipline, and safety. Checchi et al. (2004) agrees that private schools allow parents to choose the quality of education and the amount of price that they believe appreciate and satisfy. Beside, this literature also indicates that resource indicators, out come indicators, and subjective assessments are the factors in which we can measure as quality of schools. There are many ways in which parents are involved in childrens education. And one of the most important ways is through choosing the best school for children to attend (Goldring, et al., 2006). Most of parents choose a school according to where they live. Private schools are available more and more for parents because of the increasing availability of leaflets or vouchers that are targeted to low-income families. Some researchers may compare the choice of the parents between public and private schools. Goldring et al. (2006) examine how parents make school choices and the dynamics of the choice progress with an emphasis of public schools. Then he also indicates that parents who participate in school choosing have five different ways: parental involvement, socials networks, educational priorities, demographics, and satisfaction with previous school. Parents who choose the schools also tend to be more involvement in childrens education. School quality can be related to its characterist ics such as: school demographics, school location, school atmosphere, and academic performance (Goldring, et al., 2006). Parents really concern about their childrens safety when it comes to how they travel to or from school (Faulkner et al., 2010 Figlio, 1997). Parents always look after children so they have to find the best ways for them to send them to school safely. However, some parents may allow their children travel to school independently (Faulkner et al., 2010). In contrast, children can be allowed to walk according to the street or the way to school is safe for them. And whether how far is the house from school. But others think that parents dont care how far it is if school provides the best quality of education. 2.7 Choice depending on familys background According to the study by CEP (2007) finds that key family backgrounds were considered as the prior factor that forces students or parents to choose public or private schools. Students who attend private schools receive no better on achievement tests than those who choose public schools in reading, Math, history, and science. Students who had attended any type of private school ended up with no more jobs satisfaction that those who choose traditional public school. However, students achievement depends on school they choose. If students attend private school with higher school fee, test scores will be higher (Alderman, Orazem, Paterno, 2001; Holme, 2002). Transferring from government schools to private schools is increasing because of the quality and higher achievement test scores. The strong demand for private schools is depended on the evidence of greater language achievement and mathematics in private schools than in public schools (Alderman et al., 2001). Parents education signi ficantly; however, reduces no-schooling option. When parents are educated well, they will concern more about their childrens education. Then private school is the first choice for their children even the school fee is high or really high, what they want is quality of education. The ability of high-income parents will allow their children to access to high-quality school by moving to a good school area. Parents concern about student discipline based on students racial and class background, particularly violence at school. Holme (2002) finds that according to the income parents earn, they can send their children to the best private or public school to ensure that children will get the best quality of education. The researcher has also found that high-status schools tend to attract more well-qualified teachers. That can result in providing students a challenging curriculum. Parents are sensitive about the location of schools, and prefer school with positive atmosphere as reflected in school discipline, class size, and school safety. Moreover, parents believe that private schools offer better education, additional resources, better policies and practices, and an environment more deductive to learning (OECD, 2012). Parents are well-informed about school curricul um and others important factors as mention above. Parents education and use of individual tutoring lessons also raise the possibility of private school enrollment. Parental involvement and share of students in private display no correlation with college enrolment. Bertola et al. (2007) suggest that as long as peer effects are relevant, the students from lower quality private school imply a similarly low quality of the education offered by this segment of the market. 2.8 Conceptual Framework There are several reasons that influent parents decision in choosing a private primary school. The study journals, articles, and reports from the above literatures provide different perspectives as well as reasons influencing parents decision in choosing a private school such as school fees, students achievement, safety, and family background. Choosing a school has direct effects on children development as well as childrens educational achievement, literacy, numeracy and scientific knowledge (Sylva, 1994). Children can achieve higher test scores depends on their abilities, together with the schools they choose. However, the best school will provide the best quality of education. Pupils motiv
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