Sunday, May 24, 2020
How Faith in God Came to Be - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2706 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/03/22 Category Religion Essay Level High school Tags: Faith Essay Did you like this example? A King named Dashrat ruled, north of the Ganges River, in the city of Ayodhya. He was astute and robust, but still childless. The gods in heaven were greatly agitated by Ravan, the demon King of Lanka. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How Faith in God Came to Be?" essay for you Create order The King turned to Vishnu for aid. King Dasharatha begs to Vishnu, â€Å"Please my lord we need you to incarnate in order to defeat Ravana.†Lord Vishnu knowing the trouble that Ravan has caused, agreed, â€Å"I shall incarnate as one of your sons†Lord Vishnu is the third god to be created in Hinduism and is depicted as having dark blue skin and having four arms. King Dasharatha’s three wives bore four boys: Bharat, Lakshman, Shatrughn, and Ram (in whom Vishnu had incarnated himself). Ram the eldest, of the four princes, was his father’s favorite. Lakshman, since he was a child, was keenly dedicated to his elder brother. He was Ram’s second hand and accomplished all his desires even before they were told. They were trained in all the special arts, as the four princes grew up, and Ram excelled at everything. Janak, one of the king’s advisors, the father of beautiful Sita, was thinking of whom Sita should marry. Janak had announced, â€Å"May the mightiest warrior who can lift this bow can marry my daughter Sita.†(RamRam) Several princes and warriors had tried, almost inconceivably capable to even move it, but when Ram’s chance arrived, his constricted grip snapped the bow in two. Strikingly astonished he gave him his consent to marry his daughter. Dasharath was mind blown, and so the marriage of Ram and Sita was lavishly celebrated. (RamRam) And so Ram lived blissfully with his beloved wife Sita in Ayodhya. Dasharath sensed old age inevitable, so he decided with his advisors to appoint his prized son Ram as King of Ayodhya. (RamRam) When the crippled Queen Kaikeyi had heard of this, she thought to make her own son Bharat to the throne, in place of Ram. The king had gifted her two wishes in the past, when she saved his life, which she had not used yet. Kaikeyi selfishly requests, â€Å" I want Ram banished for seven years and appoint my son Bharat as the King of Ayodhya.†The King was tortured by grief and regret, but when Rama found out, he fragrantly accepted his banishment, so that his father won’t be seen as dishonest and cowardly. (RamaRama) In sorrows, his mother and Lakshman tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted, â€Å"It’s my highest duty to help my father to keep his word.†He informed Sita of his decision, telling her, â€Å"I need you to be kind to Bharat, to live piously and chastely in Ayodhya, and to serve his father and his mothers obediently.†(RamRam) But Sita answered him in an ardent speech on the duties of a woman, enforcing that, â€Å"As a wife, nothing could prevent me from following my husband into exile in the wilderness.†And so, stripped of all the royalty, clothed only in orange silk, the three went off into the wilderness while all of Ayodhya mourned. (RamRam) Bharat the new king, vigorously refuses, that the throne belongs by law to Ram. He vowed that he will stay outside the kingdom stripped of royalty and will rule living in a hut outside the kingdom. Bharat is so devoted to Ram he will live in exile until Ram returns to his righteous position. (RamRam) Meanwhile, Ram, camping in the Chitrakuta hills, is just describing, the beauties of the landscape to Sita. Lakshman spots King Bharat drawing near climbing down from the hill. He throws himself at Ram’s feet and the brothers greet each other. (RamRam) Now Bharat, with tears streaming down his face, reports to Ram the death of his father, and begs him, â€Å" We need you to return and begin your dynasty.†Ram sorely says, â€Å"I could not return to Ayodhya; but that which my father had commanded, I will never depart from my decision to spend seven years in exile.†(RamRam) Ram embraces his weeping brother with an eloquent speech on the inevitability of death, which makes every weep seem unnecessary. (RamRam) Ram gives him his sandals as a symbo l of sovereignty, and Bharat returns to Ayodhya, where Rama’s sandals are solemnly placed on the throne as the representatives of the king. (RamaRama) The exiles had been living in the Dandaka Forest for two years now and the forest hermits living there asked Ram for protection against the demons. Ram promises this protection, and from that time is incessantly engaged in battles against these monsters. The man-eating giant is the first to be killed. This hideous ogre falls in love with Ram and makes amorous proposals to him. Full of rage, she is about to swallow Sita, when Lakshman cuts off her ears and nose. She flees howling to her brother, marches against Rama with 1,000 demons. Ram slays them all with the help of Laksman. (RamRam) The ogre flees to Lanka, a fabulous land beyond the ocean, and incites her frightful brother Ravan to avenge her. At the same time, she describes to him the beauty of Sita in exquisite terms and incites him to gain possession of her and to make her his wife. Propelled by lust and anger, Ravan races off through the air in his golden chariot, across the ocean to where Sita lives. Though Mareecha is a demon, hes trying to live a virtuous life. Ravan threatens Mareech, and Mareech agrees to help abduct Sita. Mareech turns himself into a golden deer and walks near Rams residence. Sita sees the deer and asks Ram to capture it for her as a pet. Ram agrees an d goes to chase the deer, leaving Lakshman to guard Sita. Ram chases the deer for miles before he realizes its a trap. He shoots the deer, but with his dying breath, Mareech impersonates Rama and cries for help from Sita and Lakshana. Sita hears the cry and convinces Lakshman to go help Ram. When Lakshman is gone, Ravan disguises himself as a Brahmin and approaches Sita. Eventually, Ravan is unable to maintain his disguise, and he transforms into his demonic form. Sita cries for help, but Ravan flies away with his golden chariot and carries Sita away. Jatayu, the wise raven, attempts to save Sita, but Ravan chops off his wing. (RamRam) Ram and Lakshman find Jatayu and he relates to them what happened, but dies before he can tell them where Ravan was going with Sita. And the sun itself grew pale, its radiance dimmed, at the sight of Sita being carried away as if lamenting: â€Å"There is no more justice, no truth, no righteousness, no innocence if Ravan steals Sita, the wife of Ram.†(RamRam) But Ravan carried her off across the ocean to Lanka, where he shut her in his harem. Then he conducts her round his palace, shows her all its splendors and describes to her the immeasurable riches and marvels over which the rules. With coaxing words he tried to persuade her to become his wife. But Sita answered indignantly that she would never break faith with Ram by allowing him to embrace her. Enraged, Ravan warned that, if she does not yield herself to him within twelve months, he would enjoy her in another fashion: he would have her cut in pieces by his cooks and he would eat her for breakfast. Then he imprisoned her in a grotto and left her under the strict guard of the ogresses. (RamRam) Meanwhile, Ram and Lakshman returned to find their hut empty. In vain they seek Sita in the forest. In horror, Ram raises a bitter lament, searching vainly in the forest for Sita. He questions the trees, the rivers, the hills, and the animals, but none can give him news of Sita. At last, they find the flowers and ornaments that fell from Sita as she passed; then they come upon the ruins of Ravan’s chariot, his weapons, and the signs of a struggle. Rama fears that Sita has been killed, and in his delirium, he declares his intention of destroying the whole world: He will fill the air with his arrows, stay the wind in its course, annihilate the sun’s rays and envelop the earth in darkness, hurl down the summits of the mountains, dry up the lakes, destroy the ocean, uproot the trees, even destroy the gods themselves if they do not give him back his Sita. At last, Lakshman is able to calm his raving and to continue the search. (RamRam) He hears the lightning rumble to seek help from Sugriv, the monkey. Through their travailing journey through the spring forests, they find Sugriv’s Kingdom. Sugriv is consecrated as king. Among the counselors of Sugriv, Hanuman, the son of the wind-god, and the wisest. Sugriv has the greatest confidence in him and commissions him to find Sita. Accompanied by a army of monkeys, the resourceful Hanuman sets out toward the south. (RamRam) After many adventures, they meet Sampati, a brother of the vulture Jatayus, who tells them, â€Å"I had flown in a race with my brother, and had scorched my wings.†Since then, â€Å"I had been lying helpless in the Vindhya hills, but I have seen Ravan carrying Sita away to Lanka.†He described to them where the Lanka was located, and the monkeys set out for the coast. But when they saw the limitless, billowing sea before them, they despaired of getting across it. (RamRam) After much discussion, it is decided that no one can jump so far as Hanuman can. He then climbs to the top of Mount Mahendra and prepares to leap across the ocean. With a mighty leap, which caused Mahendra Hill to tremble in its depths and terrified all the creatures living on its slopes, the monkey Hanuman rose into the air and flew across the ocean. After a flight of four days, he finally reached Lanka. Fro m a hill, he surveyed the town, which seemed to him impenetrable. He made himself as small as a mouse, and after sunset, crept into the town. He examined the whole city, the palace of Ravan, on which the demon-king used to glide through the air. He also penetrated into Ravan’s harem, where he saw the king reposing in the midst of his beautiful women. After a long search, he, at last, found Sita, wasted by grief, in a tree grove. He makes himself known as a friend and messenger of Ram. (RamRam) She warned him that, â€Å"Ravan has threatened to devour her after two months, and that she will die if Ram does not rescue her before then.†Hanuman assures her that Ram will certainly save her. Then he returns to the hill, flies back across the ocean and recounts everything to the monkeys awaiting him there. Finally, he returns to Ram, bringing him the news and a message from his beloved. Ram praises Hanuman for his success and embraces him, but he despairs of getting across the ocean. Sugriv suggests constructing a bridge to Lanka. Hanuman gives an exact description of Ravan’s palace and its fortification and declares that the best of the monkey-warriors would be able to take it. So Ram commands that the army shall be prepared for the march, and soon the vast army sets out southwards towards the coast. When the news of the approaching army of monkeys had reached Lanka, Ravan summoned his counselors, all great and powerful demons, to a council. Now while all the other relatives and counselors urged Ravan in boasting speeches to fight, Vibhishan, Ravan’s brother, points to unfavorable omens and advises him to return Sita. Ravan is much enraged at this, and accuses him of envy and ill-will; relatives, he says, â€Å"Are always the worst enemies of a king, and hero.†Feeling deeply offended by his brother, Vibhishan renounces him, flies across the ocean with four other demons and allies himself with Ram. On the advice of Vibhishan, Rama appeals to the Ocean-god himself to aid him in crossing th e sea. The latter calls the monkey Nala, the son of the divine master builder Vishvakarman, and instructs him to bridge the ocean. At Ram’s command, the monkeys bring rocks and trees. In a few days, a bridge is built over the ocean, and the whole of the great army passes over to Lanka. Now Ravan’s town is surrounded by the army of monkeys. Ravan gives the command for a general sortie. A battle takes place, also many cases of single combat between the chief heroes of the two fighting armies. Lakshman, Hanuman, and the bear-king Jambavan are the most prominent fellow combatants of Ram. While on Ravan’s side, his son Indrajit is the most conspicuous. The latter is versed in all magic arts and knows how to make himself invisible at moment. The battle horn blows and the war begins. Indrajit inflicts dangerous wounds on Ram and Lakshman. But in the night, on the advice of the bear-king Jambavan, the monkey Hanuman flies to Mount Kailasa, in order to fetch four particularly po werful healing herbs. As these herbs are concealed, the monkey simply takes the whole mountain-peak with him and carries it to the battle-field, where, through the fragrance of the healing herbs, Ram, Lakshman and all the wounded are immediately healed. Then Hanuman puts the mountain back into its place. On another occasion, Indrajit, versed in magic, comes out of the city carrying, on his war-chariot a magically produced image of Sita, which he ill-treats and beheads before the eyes of Hanuman, Lakshman, and the monkeys. Horrified, Hanuman reports to Rama that Sita is killed; Rama falls into a swoon. Lakshman breaks into lamentations and utters a blasphemous speech with bitter complaints against a fate that has no regard to virtue but be is soon enlightened by Vibhishan that the whole affair is only a delusion produced by Indrajit. Finally, Indrajit is killed by Lakshmana after a violent duel. Furious at the death of his son, Ravan himself now appears on the field of battle. A dreadful duel between Ram a nd Ravan takes place, continuing day and night. The gods themselves come to Ram’s aid, especially Indra with his chariot and his projectiles strikes aggressively. But every time Rama strikes off one of Ravana’s heads, a new head grows again. At last, Vibishan tells him Ravan’s weak spot, he succeeds in piercing Ravana’s belly button with a weapon created by the god Brahma himself. There is great rejoicing in the army of the monkeys, and wild flight of the demons. Vibhishana is installed as King of the Lanka by Rama. Only now does Rama send for Sita, and proclaim to her the joyous news of the victory  but then, in the presence of all the monkeys and gods, he rejects her. He doubts that Sita had grown over the years to love Ravan. Then Sita raises a bitter complaint against Ram’s unjust suspicions and asks Lakshman to erect a pyre: for now nothing remained for her but to enter the fire. Ram gives his consent, the pyre is erected and lighted, and Sita, invoking Agni, the fire god, as a witne ss of her innocence, rushes into the flames. Then Agni arises out of the burning pyre with the uninjured Sita and delivers her to Ram, assuring him, in a solemn speech, that she has always kept her faith with him, and even in the palace of the demons remained pure and innocent. Thereupon Ram declares that he himself had never had any doubts concerning Sita’s innocence, but that it was necessary to prove it before the eyes of the people. Now Ram and his people, accompanied by Hanuman and the monkeys, return to Ayodhya, where they are received with open arms by Bharat, Shatrughna, and the mothers. They enter amidst the rejoicing of the populace. Rama is consecrated as king and rules contently and for the welfare of his subject for many years.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Social Media Marketing Helps a Business to Develop a Positive Relationship with their Customers Free Essay Example, 2250 words
In the 21st century, there has been an upsurge of business competition, forcing most businesses to venture into international markets as part of their strategy to expand their geographical coverage. As the domestic market becomes saturated, organizations have to resort to international business strategies to overcome the threat of business competition (Clark, 2012). However, entry into the international market has been a great challenge for many organizations due to the complexities of this market. Cultural diversity and variation in customer tastes have become a threat to customer loyalty. The customer lies at the heart of the organizational performance and hence organizations have set it as a business priority to develop a positive customer relationship. Loyal customers are of great value to the organization as they ensure that the business continues to thrive even during tough market conditions. The concession that exists is that the organization must develop strategies on how to win customer loyalty in its market positioning strategy. As a result, international organizations has put it a top priority to win customer loyalty both in the short and long-term. The issue of customer relationship is common in the business environment. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Media Marketing Helps a Business to Develop a Positive Relationship with their Customers or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Tub Free Essays
A girl and her tub should not be messed with. My full-body slnklng hole with relaxing jets is my form of relaxation in this rat race called life. Even though, I am surrounded by dirty clothes, piles of forgotten cosmetics and beauty products with plastic toy animals staring at me, I am alone. We will write a custom essay sample on My Tub or any similar topic only for you Order Now I lock the door and barricade myself from my husband, two small boys, phone calls, laundry, and life. I turn off the overhead light and let the natural sunrays from outside come through the window. I might exfoliate the soles of my tired feet or I might run the dull razor up and down my hairy legs, but mostly I Just sit. I close my eyes while putting up my feet and letting my mind race to an imaginary world where things are simple. I let the heat from the hot water steam up my glasses. I let the heat turn my skin pink from the extreme temperature differences in the room and melt away my stress and worries. The sweat runs down my face and mixes with the washed away make-up, dirt, and tears. It forms puddles and trickles down my body and drift away In the Immense pool. I conquer all of life’s dilemmas, family squabbles, and work stress on deserted island in the bathroom. And when it is over, I would like to think they all disappear down the drain for a temporary leave. This is my secret clubhouse that I retreat to for relief. My tub is my own and should not be messed with. How to cite My Tub, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Competition and Financial Accounting Skullduggery
Question: Discuss about theCompetition and Financial Accounting for Skullduggery. Answer: Introduction In this article there is discussion of the activities of accounting skullduggery of the companies. It has been observed that there are more than $26 Billion dollars in write down that has been observed in companies such as BHP Billiton, South32, Rio Tinto, Santos, Woolworths, Orica, Woodside that has been to the collapse of more than $44 billion collapse. These kinds of write down practices has grown immensely in the last year. The Australian Securities and Investment commission has stated that it would investigate into this matter. Woolsworth company had somehow converted 800-million-dollar profit from 1.2-billion-dollar profit. If this had occurred in countries such as the United States, the SEC of the country there would have been stringent actions against these practices by the corporation. The ASIC considers the companies to follow the ethical mandates and have proper regulatory practices. The remuneration to the top management is higher and is also a problem. Response The Australian Accounting Standards is a part of the Australian government that is used to develop and maintain regulation of the financial reporting standards of the company. This applied to the private and the public sectors of the company. In this the companies are expected to balance between the stakeholder interests more than the shareholder or investor interests. The corporate governance of the company favors only some stakeholders and they ensure that the people (Balakrishnan Cohen, 2013). There is also the incorporation of the positive accounting theory of opportunistic perspective that is adopted in the accounting practices of the company (Bazley et al., 2012) . The oversight and the ethical committee of the companies should do more to address these claims. To conclude the article discusses about the ethical mandates required while balancing the budget. Durkin, P. ( 2016, September 16). Accounting skullduggery hides $26b in losses. Australian Financial Review,.p. Retrieved from Article 2 Summary In this article there is critical view of the HSBC reporting of the people retirement savings. There is the concept of positive bias in their retirement accounts and there is underestimation of the costs involved in the process. There are a number of biases that has been found in the report that the author argues. The issues with the positive accounting theory when accounting for the personal retirement accounts has been detailed in this article. The biases such as earning more would lead to better retirement lives or that selling of assets would mean a better quality of life has been disputed in this article. To summarize the article, it points out towards the issues of positive accounting theory and overestimation. Response to the Article Positive accounting theory tries to make positive accounts and predictions about the real world events and uses these positive assumptions to the accounting transactions (Deegan, 2012). There was discussion in the 7th sessions of the importance of positive accounting theories. Normative theories on the other hand discusses about what needs to be done. But the positive theories explain the positive bias and predicts the events. The reasons firms use this practices is to ensure that there is maximization of the prospects used for survival. The issues in the positive accounting theories is that they make invalid assumptions. There is no systematic or scientific review of what needs to be done nor is the predictions assured (Horngren, et al., 2012) . The positive accounting theory in the past has not been able to show substantial positive growth in the markets. Even though it has been in play from 1970 onwards. The issues of positive accounting theory and its inherent limitations has bee n explained in this article from a practical perspective. Patten, S ( 2016 August 2016) Accentuating the positive can backfire in retirement, warns HSBC. Australian Financial Review, P. Retrieved from Article 3 Summary of the Article Wesfarmers had said that the actual earnings of Target would be 53 million dollars and not 74 million that was reported by Target. This is a 5.7% difference in the reporting. 21 million dollars was assumed to arise from the rebate arrangement. Apart from this there was the issue of plunging coal prices in the last year. This had caused the company to suffer a lot of losses. The remuneration losses for the executives were considered to be 10 million dollars. However, in spite of this the Wesfarmers executive remuneration was more than 1 million dollars. The short term incentive payments and the inherent risks of the process has been reported in this article. Response to the Article While an accounting reporting is made the most important aspect is maintaining the ethics. This is the core value of the corporate governance. Meeting bottom lines, maximization of the earning and adding of the intangibles in the accounting balance sheets are added in order to keep the investors of the company satisfied. However, in this case there has been considerable losses yet the management continues to receive considerable amount in bonuses in spite of the losses posted. The ethics review of the company needs to reexamine the practices of bonus payout to the top executive (Macve, 2015). To summarize it is quite clear that the company should have a better ethics and corporate governance practices in place. Greenblat, E ( 2016, September 22) Troubled year costs Wesfarmers executives $10m in entitlements, The Australian, Retreived from Article 4 Summary of the Article Shine Lawyers face the risk of a class action after the collapse of the share price. The Shine lawyers are blamed for the 75% decline in the share price. This had wiped over 253 million in the market capitalization. Reason for the class action is that Shine has been criticized for over-estimating the firms ability in recovering from the loses. The company has however declined that they had ever committed any wrong doing. Over estimation of the company progress is the reason cited for the class action brought against the company. The class action has been brought against the company. Response to the Article The issue in the article can be linked to the positive accounting theory and is considered to be opportunistic perspective. This is assumed that the managers were driven by self interest and also had employed in creative accounting practices where the objectivity has not been considered. It seems to refer that the people responsible for the accounting practices were not clear and has caused this issue to arise (Henderson et al., 2015) . Shine lawyers would have been prematurely motivated to reported the revenue that there would be a future profit in the future. This is the reason for the company to face the class action. While the intention or the actions of the Shine company are yet to be uncovered it is quite clear that the company has not been meeting objectives and there is an obvious issue in the operational procedure of the company. Merrit, C ( 23rd September 2016) Shine faces class action from investors over share price fall The Australian Retrieved from Reference: Balakrishnan, K., Cohen, D. A. (2013). Competition and financial accounting misreporting.Available at SSRN 1927427. Bazley, M., Hancock, P., Fisher, C., Lovell, A., Berk, J., DeMarzo, P., ... DeMarzo, P. (2013).Financial Accounting: An Integrated. Thomson Pty Ltd, South Melbourne. Deegan, C. (2012).Australian financial accounting. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Durkin, P. ( 2016, September 16). Accounting skullduggery hides $26b in losses. Australian Financial Review,.p. Retrieved from Greenblat, E ( 2016, September 22) Troubled year costs Wesfarmers executives $10m in entitlements, Retreived from Henderson, S., Peirson, G., Herbohn, K., Howieson, B. (2015).Issues in financial accounting. Pearson Higher Education AU. Horngren, C., Harrison, W., Oliver, S., Best, P., Fraser, D., Tan, R. (2012).Financial Accounting. Pearson Higher Education AU Macve, R. (2015).A Conceptual Framework for Financial Accounting and Reporting: Vision, Tool, Or Threat?. Routledge. Merrit, C ( 23rd September 2016) Shine faces class action from investors over share price fall The Australian Retrieved from Patten, S ( 2016 August 2016) Accentuating the positive can backfire in retirement, warns HSBC. Australian Financial Review, P. Retrieved from
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